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Unified interface for ftp/sftp protocols, specific protocol is selected by uri scheme
Ranking: 45,914 of 184,524
Downloads: 23,147
Ranking: 32,595 of 184,512
Downloads: 2
Downloads Trends
Ranking Trends
Num of Versions Trends
Popular Versions (Major)
Popular Versions (Major.Minor)
Depended by
Rank | Downloads | Name |
71,853 | 12,437 | xftp-rails |
Depends on
Rank | Downloads | Name |
1 | 2,592,310,532 | bundler |
7 | 1,050,208,635 | activesupport |
10 | 1,012,800,719 | rake |
26 | 847,931,756 | rspec |
99 | 370,509,853 | simplecov |
227 | 168,298,446 | yard |
275 | 140,264,396 | colorize |
306 | 125,710,749 | net-sftp |
10,400 | 236,916 | yard-rspec |
# | Gravatar | Handle |
1 | vyorkin |