Vyorkin's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
117,27061,367synchronisableProvides base fuctionality (models, DSL) for AR synchronization with external resources...
245,74461,367xftpUnified interface for ftp/sftp protocols, specific protocol is selected by uri scheme
371,57961,367xftp-railsUnified interface for ftp/sftp to be used with Rails 3.x
491,06029,456nifty_scopeProvides an easy way to map request parameters to scopes
597,36361,367docxtorRuby docx generator, provides simple DSL for building word documents
698,56461,367docxtor2Ruby docx generator, provides simple DSL for building word documents
7170,16861,367roo-hasherizeMeaningful spreadsheet access