Renuo's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
112,77429,456i18n-docsGEM providing helper scripts to manage i18n translations in Google Docs. Features: chec...
220,04041,086renuo-cliThe Renuo CLI automates some commonly used workflows by providing a command line interf...
322,56411,504norobotsA rack middleware that blocks all bots when BLOCK_ROBOTS environment variable is set to...
423,17510,140rails_api_loggerLog inbound and outbound API requests in your Rails application
542,25711,055so_many_devicesThis incomplete but very satisfying list of devices, will help you run your app on so m...
664,12461,367buschtelefonBuschtelefon can be used to automatically share information between Ruby clients over a...
767,86861,367renuo-cms-railsThe Renuo CLI automates some commonly used workflows by providing a command line interf...
883,01741,086rack-canonical-headerA canonical URL tag for better SEO and to prevent search engines from crawling differen...
984,01961,367lapidarThis is a custom blockchain with a working network layer. It just mines and receives bl...
1084,19420,275renuocopRenuo default style guide, linter, and formatter.
1184,97341,086swiss-village-directoryThis gem provides a data set of all swiss villages taken out of the "Ortschaftenverzeic...
1287,55161,367renuo-bin-checkWith this gem you can automatically check your code quality (e.g. before every commit)....
1388,06261,367solidus_product_attachmentsA gem to attach files to a product / variant
1499,48923,402micro_cmsProvides a cms block which can be edited inline
15118,76161,367solidus_simple_sale_priceWith this plugin its possible to have static sales per product
16158,22861,367renuo-uploadThe renuo upload allows in compination with the renuo upload service to easily upload f...
17176,75218,157moiraiThis gem allows you to manage translation strings in real time, viewing the live ch...
18183,23361,367hotsheetThis gem allows you to mount a view to manage your database using atable view where you...