1 | 260 | 235 | dry-inflector | String inflections for dry-rb |
2 | 334 | 634 | redis-store | Namespaced Rack::Session, Rack::Cache, I18n and cache Redis stores for Ruby web framewo... |
3 | 355 | 850 | redis-rack | Redis Store for Rack applications |
4 | 363 | 847 | redis-actionpack | Redis session store for ActionPack. Used for storing the Rails session in Redis. |
5 | 458 | 1,369 | redis-activesupport | Redis store for ActiveSupport |
6 | 542 | 1,594 | redis-rails | Redis for Ruby on Rails |
7 | 1,521 | 1,137 | dry-cli | Common framework to build command line interfaces with Ruby |
8 | 2,807 | 4,429 | redis-rack-cache | A Redis backend store for Rack::Cache |
9 | 3,064 | 1,947 | hanami-utils | Hanami utilities |
10 | 3,968 | 1,975 | hanami-cli | Hanami command line |
11 | 4,847 | 3,412 | hanami-router | Rack compatible HTTP router for Ruby |
12 | 5,144 | 4,119 | hanami-validations | Validations mixin for Ruby objects and support for Hanami |
13 | 5,517 | 4,137 | hanami-controller | Complete, fast and testable actions for Rack |
14 | 5,828 | 4,483 | hanami | Hanami is a web framework for Ruby |
15 | 6,401 | 4,662 | hanami-view | A complete, standalone view rendering system that gives you everything you need to writ... |
16 | 6,774 | 6,696 | hanami-assets | Assets management for Ruby web applications |
17 | 6,860 | 8,683 | hanami-helpers | View helpers for Ruby applications |
18 | 6,928 | 8,683 | hanami-mailer | Mail for Ruby applications and Hanami mailers |
19 | 7,773 | 21,695 | hanami-model | A persistence framework with entities and repositories |
20 | 11,182 | 13,446 | redis-i18n | Redis backed store for i18n |
21 | 12,821 | 9,840 | hanami-webconsole | Hanami webconsole for development |
22 | 13,424 | 54,620 | lotus-utils | Lotus utilities |
23 | 15,210 | 14,779 | redis-sinatra | Redis store for Sinatra |
24 | 15,348 | 5,786 | hanami-reloader | Code reloading for Hanami |
25 | 15,796 | 10,494 | hanami-rspec | Hanami RSpec generators and Rake tasks |
26 | 16,665 | 21,695 | codeowners | Check GitHub Codeowners and guess which team should be assigned to a file |
27 | 16,849 | 54,620 | lotus-validations | Validations mixin for Ruby objects and support for Lotus |
28 | 20,523 | 54,620 | lotus-model | A persistence framework with entities, repositories, data mapper and query objects |
29 | 22,425 | 28,870 | lotus-controller | Complete, fast and testable actions for Rack |
30 | 22,821 | 54,620 | hanami-fabrication | Fabrication support for Hanami |
31 | 24,235 | 21,695 | hanami-api | Extremely fast and lightweight HTTP API |
32 | 24,591 | 54,620 | lotus-router | Rack compatible HTTP router for Ruby |
33 | 26,580 | 54,620 | lotusrb | A complete web framework for Ruby |
34 | 28,411 | 24,730 | lotus-view | View layer for Lotus |
35 | 32,694 | 14,779 | redis-store-testing | redis-store testing |
36 | 39,201 | 54,620 | sashimi | Sashimi is a local repository for Rails plugins. |
37 | 44,042 | 54,620 | lotus-helpers | View helpers for Ruby applications |
38 | 63,285 | 54,620 | assets_packager | Compress and merge your JavaScript and CSS files |
39 | 67,344 | 36,248 | hanoi | Automated jQuery tests with QUnit |
40 | 72,660 | 36,248 | lotus-mailer | Mail for Ruby applications and Lotus mailers |
41 | 79,906 | 54,620 | cached-models | CachedModels provides to your ActiveRecord models a transparent approach to use ActiveS... |
42 | 86,558 | 54,620 | hanami-ujs | Hanami Unobtrusive JavaScript |
43 | 100,828 | 54,620 | lotus-assets | Assets management for Ruby web applications |
44 | 117,773 | 54,620 | mine | Mine |
45 | 145,657 | 54,620 | lotus-migrations | Migrations for SQL databases |
46 | 150,313 | 54,620 | lotus-cli | Lotus command line utilities |
47 | 151,372 | 54,620 | lotus-api | HTTP APIs built with Lotus |
48 | 154,341 | 54,620 | treasure | Treasure CLI |
49 | 162,681 | 54,620 | hanami-auth | Authentication for Hanami |
50 | 163,544 | 54,620 | hanami-events | Hanami framework for events |
51 | 163,544 | 54,620 | hanami-model-sql | SQL adapter for Hanami Model |
52 | 166,149 | 54,620 | hanami-webpack | Manage Hanami assets with Webpack |
53 | 174,618 | 54,620 | curex | CUrrency EXchange (curex) command line |
54 | 179,531 | 54,620 | hanami-devtools | Development tools for Hanami. This gem is designed for the Hanami core team. |