Jodosha's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1267170dry-inflectorString inflections for dry-rb
2335431redis-storeNamespaced Rack::Session, Rack::Cache, I18n and cache Redis stores for Ruby web framewo...
3353462redis-rackRedis Store for Rack applications
4361429redis-actionpackRedis session store for ActionPack. Used for storing the Rails session in Redis.
54471,315redis-activesupportRedis store for ActiveSupport
65311,398redis-railsRedis for Ruby on Rails
71,593558dry-cliCommon framework to build command line interfaces with Ruby
82,7763,254redis-rack-cacheA Redis backend store for Rack::Cache
93,522630hanami-utilsHanami utilities
104,8423,173hanami-routerRack compatible HTTP router for Ruby
115,1203,519hanami-validationsValidations mixin for Ruby objects and support for Hanami
125,5203,656hanami-controllerComplete, fast and testable actions for Rack
135,770642hanami-cliHanami command line
145,8223,761hanamiHanami is a web framework for Ruby
156,3944,856hanami-viewA complete, standalone view rendering system that gives you everything you need to writ...
166,74310,496hanami-assetsAssets management for Ruby web applications
176,82512,065hanami-helpersView helpers for Ruby applications
186,89011,223hanami-mailerMail for Ruby applications and Hanami mailers
197,52910,377hanami-modelA persistence framework with entities and repositories
2011,2935,922redis-i18nRedis backed store for i18n
2112,89516,044hanami-webconsoleHanami webconsole for development
2213,32113,218lotus-utilsLotus utilities
2315,08825,716redis-sinatraRedis store for Sinatra
2415,7397,775hanami-reloaderCode reloading for Hanami
2516,23015,060hanami-rspecHanami RSpec generators and Rake tasks
2616,80815,549codeownersCheck GitHub Codeowners and guess which team should be assigned to a file
2716,84616,044lotus-validationsValidations mixin for Ruby objects and support for Lotus
2820,38413,218lotus-modelA persistence framework with entities, repositories, data mapper and query objects
2922,28714,600lotus-controllerComplete, fast and testable actions for Rack
3022,80061,367hanami-fabricationFabrication support for Hanami
3124,28541,086hanami-apiExtremely fast and lightweight HTTP API
3224,38216,044lotus-routerRack compatible HTTP router for Ruby
3326,38216,044lotusrbA complete web framework for Ruby
3428,24117,333lotus-viewView layer for Lotus
3532,61361,367redis-store-testingredis-store testing
3638,97741,086sashimiSashimi is a local repository for Rails plugins.
3743,80023,402lotus-helpersView helpers for Ruby applications
3863,01261,367assets_packagerCompress and merge your JavaScript and CSS files
3967,05841,086hanoiAutomated jQuery tests with QUnit
4072,30229,456lotus-mailerMail for Ruby applications and Lotus mailers
4179,58361,367cached-modelsCachedModels provides to your ActiveRecord models a transparent approach to use ActiveS...
4286,51561,367hanami-ujsHanami Unobtrusive JavaScript
43100,53733,893lotus-assetsAssets management for Ruby web applications
45145,32841,086lotus-migrationsMigrations for SQL databases
46150,05441,086lotus-cliLotus command line utilities
47150,97341,086lotus-apiHTTP APIs built with Lotus
48154,00361,367treasureTreasure CLI
49162,35461,367hanami-authAuthentication for Hanami
50163,15461,367hanami-model-sqlSQL adapter for Hanami Model
51163,29561,367hanami-eventsHanami framework for events
52165,89361,367hanami-webpackManage Hanami assets with Webpack
53174,13061,367curexCUrrency EXchange (curex) command line
54179,13361,367hanami-devtoolsDevelopment tools for Hanami. This gem is designed for the Hanami core team.