1 | 87 | 111 | rack-protection | Protect against typical web attacks, works with all Rack apps, including Rails |
2 | 122 | 239 | sinatra | Sinatra is a DSL for quickly creating web applications in Ruby with minimal effort. |
3 | 175 | 183 | mustermann | A library implementing patterns that behave like regular expressions. |
4 | 297 | 369 | activerecord-import | A library for bulk inserting data using ActiveRecord. |
5 | 1,198 | 1,397 | sinatra-contrib | Collection of useful Sinatra extensions |
6 | 4,200 | 4,049 | mustermann-contrib | Adds many plugins to Mustermann |
7 | 14,753 | 7,437 | paper_trail-sinatra | Sinatra support for paper_trail |
8 | 128,802 | 47,329 | mustermann-everything | Meta gem depending on all official Mustermann gems |
9 | 137,796 | 47,329 | mustermann-rails | Adds Rails style patterns to Mustermman |
10 | 138,803 | 47,329 | mustermann-flask | Adds Flask style patterns to Mustermman |
11 | 147,074 | 47,329 | mustermann-simple | Adds Sinatra 1.x style patterns to Mustermman |
12 | 147,935 | 47,329 | mustermann-shell | Adds Shell style patterns to Mustermman |
13 | 148,046 | 47,329 | mustermann-visualizer | Provides syntax highlighting and other visualizations for Mustermman |
14 | 148,046 | 47,329 | mustermann-uri-template | Adds URI template style patterns to Mustermman |
15 | 149,032 | 47,329 | mustermann-cake | Adds CakePHP style patterns to Mustermman |
16 | 149,141 | 47,329 | mustermann-strscan | Implements a version of Ruby's StringScanner that works with Mustermann patterns |
17 | 149,386 | 38,694 | mustermann-fileutils | Operate efficiently on your file system using Mustermann |
18 | 149,441 | 47,329 | mustermann-pyramid | Adds Pyramid style patterns to Mustermman |
19 | 150,661 | 47,329 | mustermann-express | Adds express.js style patterns to Mustermman |
20 | 174,228 | 47,329 | forecasting | Interact with the Harvest Forecast API from your Ruby application |
21 | 177,910 | 74,510 | tilt-caxlsx | Integrates Axlsx with Tilt |