Arnaudlevy's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
17,04820,749prometheeBring fire to your page
216,61426,609faceted_searchAll you need to create a faceted search, as simple as possible
320,79410,623jekyll-theme-noesyaNoesya theme for Jekyll.
428,51821,532gdprAdds a GDPR cookie consent and provides a simple checklist
529,89213,670kamifusenImage multiple optimizing: webp, srcset, server side resize.
654,71353,556curationWhen you build content curation tools, you need to extract the content of pages (title,...
757,30342,025scormgenEasy SCORM manifest generation
868,43786,038appgenRails prototyping is fast, appgen intends to make it even faster!
969,86486,038middleman-gdprAdds a GDPR cookie consent and provides a simple checklist
1077,94542,025simple_form_bs5_file_inputImprove Simple Form basic input field, add controls/preview on the field.
1187,42253,556privacyRemove first name and last name from xls files, replace them with an anonymous placeholder
12130,11419,470i18n_date_rangeAdd a new helper to display properly a date range (ex: From 8 to 9 September 2023)
13137,21686,038orthotypoIl y a un corpus riche de règles typographiques, dépendant des langues. Cette gem vise ...
14164,12826,609mazer-railsIntegrate the Mazer admin theme in a Ruby on Rails application.
15168,06153,556osuny_apiGem Ruby pour l'API Osuny
16168,87786,038delayed_job_prevent_duplicateImprove Delayed Job to prevent a task already enqueued to be enqueue a second time.
17176,77742,025libretranslateRuby wrapper to communicate with LibreTranslate API.
18166,37847,764KamifusenImage multiple optimizing: webp, srcset, server side resize.