1 | 6,795 | 10,791 | isodoc | isodoc converts documents in the IsoDoc document model into
Microsoft Word and HTML.
T... |
2 | 6,953 | 5,665 | relaton-bib | RelatonBib: Ruby XMLDOC impementation. |
3 | 7,146 | 15,253 | metanorma-standoc | metanorma-standoc realises standards following the Metanorma standoc model
This gem is... |
4 | 7,151 | 6,756 | expressir | Expressir (“EXPRESS in Ruby”) is a Ruby parser for EXPRESS and a set of tools for acces... |
5 | 7,186 | 6,114 | relaton | The Relaton core for importing, managing and caching bibliographic
references to techni... |
6 | 7,796 | 6,163 | relaton-ietf | RelatonIetf: retrieve IETF Standards for bibliographic use
using the BibliographicItem ... |
7 | 7,841 | 14,474 | metanorma | Library to process any Metanorma standard. |
8 | 8,051 | 6,199 | relaton-nist | RelatonNist: retrive NIST standards. |
9 | 8,078 | 6,126 | relaton-iso | RelatonIso: retrieve ISO Standards for bibliographic use using the IsoBibliographicItem... |
10 | 8,165 | 6,193 | relaton-itu | RelatonItu: retrieve ITU Standards for bibliographic use using the BibliographicItem model |
11 | 8,232 | 6,225 | relaton-iso-bib | RelatonIsoBib: Ruby ISOXMLDOC impementation. |
12 | 8,241 | 11,090 | relaton-cli | Relaton Command-line Interface |
13 | 8,268 | 13,087 | metanorma-iso | metanorma-iso lets you write ISO standards in AsciiDoc syntax.
This gem is in active d... |
14 | 8,306 | 6,165 | relaton-iec | RelatonIec: retrieve IEC Standards for bibliographic use using the IecBibliographicItem... |
15 | 8,324 | 26,251 | metanorma-cli | Executable to process any Metanorma standard. |
16 | 8,411 | 13,844 | html2doc | Convert HTML document to Microsoft Word document.
This gem is in active development. |
17 | 8,478 | 6,193 | relaton-gb | RelatonGb: retrieve Chinese GB Standards for bibliographic use using the BibliographicI... |
18 | 8,610 | 6,114 | relaton-ogc | RelatonOgc: retrieve OGC Standards for bibliographic use using the OgcBibliographicItem... |
19 | 8,835 | 6,270 | isoics | ISO ICS (International Classification for Standards) data accessible in a convenient pa... |
20 | 8,972 | 6,245 | relaton-calconnect | RelatonIso: retrieve CC Standards for bibliographic use using the IsoBibliographicItem ... |
21 | 9,017 | 6,258 | cnccs | Classification of Chinese Standards ("CCS") are accessible via this gem. |
22 | 9,058 | 6,366 | gb-agencies | Gem to look up agency names for GB standards. |
23 | 9,248 | 16,973 | metanorma-ogc | Metanorma for the Open Geospatial Consortium. |
24 | 9,270 | 6,153 | relaton-w3c | RelatonIso: retrieve W3C Standards for bibliographic using the IsoBibliographicItem model |
25 | 9,410 | 6,203 | relaton-omg | RelatonOmg: retrieve OMG Standards for bibliographic using the IsoBibliographicItem model |
26 | 9,426 | 17,220 | metanorma-itu | Metanorma for the ITU. |
27 | 9,457 | 6,114 | relaton-un | RelatonIso: retrieve CC Standards for bibliographic use using the IsoBibliographicItem ... |
28 | 9,740 | 9,311 | mn2pdf | mn2pdf converts Metanorma XML into PDF.
This gem is a wrapper around mn2pdf.jar availab... |
29 | 9,745 | 16,743 | metanorma-iec | metanorma-iec lets you write IEC standards in AsciiDoc syntax.
This gem is in active d... |
30 | 9,965 | 6,217 | relaton-iho | RelatonIho: retrieve IHO Standards for bibliographic using the BibliographicItem model |
31 | 10,005 | 26,251 | iev | Iev: Fetch and encode Iev term from Electropedia |
32 | 10,334 | 29,727 | unicode2latex | Converts UTF-8 Unicode characters to LaTeX escapes |
33 | 10,337 | 22,633 | metanorma-ietf | metanorma-ietf lets you write IETF documents, such as Internet-Drafts and RFCs,
in nati... |
34 | 10,458 | 16,121 | metanorma-csa | metanorma-csa lets you write CSA Normal Documents (CSAND) in AsciiDoc syntax.
This gem... |
35 | 10,523 | 23,174 | relaton-iev | RelatonIev: manipulates IEV references to IEC 60050. |
36 | 10,787 | 39,646 | metanorma-un | Metanorma for UN documents.
Formerly known as metanorma-unece |
37 | 10,850 | 37,265 | mathml2asciimath | Convert MathML to AsciiMath
This gem is in active development. |
38 | 11,162 | 16,743 | metanorma-plugin-lutaml | Metanorma plugin for LutaML |
39 | 11,226 | 17,981 | metanorma-iho | metanorma-iho lets you write IHO in AsciiDoc syntax.
This gem is in active development. |
40 | 11,350 | 13,609 | metanorma-utils | metanorma-utils provides utilities for the Metanorma stack |
41 | 11,482 | 16,314 | metanorma-cc | metanorma-cc lets you write CalConnect standards in AsciiDoc syntax.
This gem is in ac... |
42 | 11,545 | 24,564 | metanorma-generic | Metanorma template gem for customisation. This gem is meant to be customised for any do... |
43 | 11,636 | 14,758 | lutaml | LutaML: data models in textual form |
44 | 12,214 | 16,314 | metanorma-bipm | metanorma-vg lets you write Bureau International de Poids et Mesures (BIPM) standards i... |
45 | 12,473 | 53,263 | metanorma-nist | Metanorma NIST gem. |
46 | 12,647 | 34,617 | metanorma-gb | metanorma-gb lets you write GB standards (Chinese national standards)
in AsciiDoc synta... |
47 | 12,681 | 13,200 | asciimath2unitsml | Convert Asciimath via MathML to UnitsML |
48 | 12,734 | 14,922 | plane1converter | Convert characters + font shifts to Plane 1 Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols |
49 | 13,115 | 29,727 | lutaml-uml | Lutaml stub gem for lutaml-uml |
50 | 13,769 | 34,617 | metanorma-m3aawg | metanorma-m3d lets you write M3AAWG Documents in AsciiDoc syntax.
This gem is in activ... |
51 | 13,796 | 16,121 | relaton-render | Rendering of ISO 690 XML |
52 | 14,413 | 43,535 | reverse_adoc | Generate AsciiDoc from HTML and Microsoft Word via CLI or library. |
53 | 14,499 | 39,646 | metanorma-m3d | metanorma-m3d lets you write M3AAWG Documents (M3D) in AsciiDoc syntax.
This gem is in... |
54 | 14,582 | 15,092 | isodoc-i18n | Internationalisation for Metanorma rendering |
55 | 14,592 | 34,617 | metanorma-csd | metanorma-csd lets you write CSD in AsciiDoc syntax.
This gem is in active development... |
56 | 14,639 | 32,988 | lutaml-express | Lutaml stub gem for lutaml-express |
57 | 14,898 | 39,646 | lutaml-xmi | Lutaml stub gem for lutaml-xmi |
58 | 15,075 | 16,314 | mn-requirements | Requirements processing and rendering according to different models |
59 | 15,944 | 30,896 | metanorma-ribose | metanorma-ribose lets you write Ribose standards in AsciiDoc syntax.
This gem is in ac... |
60 | 16,576 | 46,777 | metanorma-acme | Metanorma for the (fictitious) Acme Corp.
This gem is meant to be customised for any d... |
61 | 16,841 | 43,535 | metanorma-rsd | metanorma-rsd lets you write RSD in AsciiDoc syntax.
This gem is in active development... |
62 | 17,322 | 16,743 | metanorma-ieee | Metanorma for the ITU. |
63 | 17,631 | 97,080 | metanorma-mpfd | metanorma-mpfd lets you write MPF documents in AsciiDoc syntax.
This gem is in active ... |
64 | 17,705 | 77,965 | latexmath | Converts LaTeX math into MathML. |
65 | 18,466 | 34,617 | metanorma-csand | metanorma-csand lets you write CSA Normal Documents (CSAND) in AsciiDoc syntax.
This g... |
66 | 18,546 | 53,263 | metanorma-unece | Metanorma for UNECE: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. |
67 | 19,482 | 29,727 | metanorma-mpfa | metanorma-mpfa lets you write MPFA documents in AsciiDoc syntax.
This gem is in active... |
68 | 20,311 | 46,777 | iso-bib-item | IsoBibItem: Ruby ISOXMLDOC impementation. |
69 | 22,046 | 58,846 | isobib | IsoBib: retrieve ISO Standards for bibliographic use using the BibliographicItem model |
70 | 24,367 | 13,396 | asciidoctor-iso | asciidoctor-iso lets you write ISO standards in AsciiDoc syntax.
This gem is in active... |
71 | 24,517 | 43,535 | gbbib | GdBib: retrieve Chinese GB Standards for bibliographic use using the BibliographicItem ... |
72 | 26,660 | 37,265 | interscript | Interoperable script conversion systems |
73 | 28,409 | 39,646 | metanorma-vsd | metanorma-vsd lets you write VSD in Metanorma syntax.
This gem is in active development. |
74 | 31,378 | 34,617 | mn2sts | mn2sts converts Metanorma XML into NISO STS XML.
This gem is a wrapper around mn2sts.ja... |
75 | 32,973 | 117,678 | ietfbib | ietfbib: retrieve IETF Standards for bibliographic use
using the BibliographicItem mod... |
76 | 35,684 | 16,519 | asciidoctor-csd | asciidoctor-csd lets you write CSD in AsciiDoc syntax.
This gem is in active development. |
77 | 36,403 | 97,080 | iecbib | IsoBib: retrieve ISO Standards for bibliographic use using the BibliographicItem model |
78 | 43,737 | 37,265 | nistbib | NistBib: retrive NIST standards. |
79 | 44,195 | 18,588 | asciidoctor-gb | asciidoctor-gb lets you write GB standards (Chinese national standards)
in AsciiDoc syn... |
80 | 47,218 | 19,251 | asciidoctor-rsd | asciidoctor-rsd lets you write RSD in AsciiDoc syntax.
This gem is in active development. |
81 | 49,231 | 23,174 | asciidoctor-rfc | asciidoctor-rfc lets you write Internet-Drafts and RFCs in a native
"asciidoctor" synta... |
82 | 53,011 | 43,535 | omml2mathml | This is a Ruby gem for converting Office Math Markup (OMML) into MathML within Word HTM... |
83 | 54,113 | 21,483 | asciidoctor-csand | asciidoctor-csand lets you write CSA Normal Documents (CSAND) in AsciiDoc syntax.
This... |
84 | 59,193 | 21,965 | asciidoctor-m3d | asciidoctor-m3d lets you write M3AAWG Documents (M3D) in AsciiDoc syntax.
This gem is ... |
85 | 61,870 | 68,530 | metanorma-bsi | metanorma-bsi lets you write BSI standards in AsciiDoc syntax.
This gem is in active d... |
86 | 63,485 | 117,678 | rfcbib | RfcBib: retrieve RFC Standards for bibliographic use using the BibliographicItem model |
87 | 86,289 | 53,263 | metanorma-vg | metanorma-vg lets you write Vita Green standards in Metanorma syntax.
This gem is in a... |
88 | 87,582 | 46,777 | ruby-vobject | The main purpose of the gem is to parse vobject formatted text into a ruby
hash format.... |
89 | 98,088 | 117,678 | reverse_asciidoctor | Map simple html back into asciidoctor, e.g. if you want to import existing html data in... |
90 | 98,225 | 77,965 | metanorma-sample | Sample Metanorma Asciidoctor gem.
This gem is meant to be customised for any downstrea... |
91 | 105,250 | 58,846 | vobject | Parse vObject formats: iCalendar (RFC 5545), vCard {3,4} (RFC 6350). |
92 | 130,788 | 117,678 | metanorma-mpdf | metanorma-mpfd lets you write MPF documents in AsciiDoc syntax.
This gem is in active ... |
93 | 143,104 | 68,530 | ituBib | ItuBib: retrieve ITU Standards for bibliographic use using the BibliographicItem model |