1 | 7,079 | 17,333 | promethee | Bring fire to your page |
2 | 16,653 | 61,367 | faceted_search | All you need to create a faceted search, as simple as possible |
3 | 28,524 | 61,367 | gdpr | Adds a GDPR cookie consent and provides a simple checklist |
4 | 29,885 | 61,367 | kamifusen | Image multiple optimizing: webp, srcset, server side resize. |
5 | 57,310 | 41,086 | scormgen | Easy SCORM manifest generation |
6 | 69,824 | 20,275 | middleman-gdpr | Adds a GDPR cookie consent and provides a simple checklist |
7 | 77,188 | 41,086 | simple_form_bs5_file_input | Improve Simple Form basic input field, add controls/preview on the field. |
8 | 80,137 | 61,367 | simple_form_password_with_hints | Improve Simple Form basic password field, add controls on the field. |
9 | 128,033 | 41,086 | i18n_date_range | Add a new helper to display properly a date range (ex: From 8 to 9 September 2023) |
10 | 163,227 | 17,333 | mazer-rails | Integrate the Mazer admin theme in a Ruby on Rails application. |
11 | 168,166 | 41,086 | delayed_job_prevent_duplicate | Improve Delayed Job to prevent a task already enqueued to be enqueue a second time. |
12 | 178,444 | 41,086 | spyri-api | Ruby client library for the Spyri API |