Mattpolito's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,7193,419decent_exposureDecentExposure helps you program to an interface, rather than an implementation in ...
28,1895,583capybara-webmockMock external requests for Capybara JavaScript drivers
315,19413,259paratrooperLibrary to create task for deployment to Heroku
425,42131,663routing_numbersWrapper around the API
554,39786,038slugworthEasy slug functionality
661,45186,038cartographieBeautiful map generation
772,88186,038tryboolThe value parser for returning Booleans you never knew you needed.
879,33986,038required_optionsRequiredOptions allows you to verbosely guard methods from options you rely on when usi...
992,39335,920kommentsRuby wrapper around the commenting engine, Komments
10123,07886,038confed_scraperSite scrapers to ease data import into Confed
11128,69686,038paratrooper-newrelicSend deploy notifications to Newrelic service when deploying with Paratrooper
12139,30686,038paratrooper-asset_precompileAdds manual asset precompilation to Paratrooper deploy process
13139,96353,556paratrooper-airbrakeSend deploy notifications to service when deploying with Paratrooper