1 | 2,729 | 3,561 | decent_exposure | DecentExposure helps you program to an interface, rather than an
implementation in ... |
2 | 8,148 | 5,708 | capybara-webmock | Mock external requests for Capybara JavaScript drivers |
3 | 15,243 | 10,745 | paratrooper | Library to create task for deployment to Heroku |
4 | 25,496 | 41,086 | routing_numbers | Wrapper around the routingnumbers.info API |
5 | 54,475 | 41,086 | slugworth | Easy slug functionality |
6 | 61,593 | 61,367 | cartographie | Beautiful map generation |
7 | 71,310 | 10,030 | trybool | The value parser for returning Booleans you never knew you needed. |
8 | 79,534 | 61,367 | required_options | RequiredOptions allows you to verbosely guard methods from options you rely on when usi... |
9 | 92,538 | 61,367 | komments | Ruby wrapper around the commenting engine, Komments |
10 | 123,259 | 61,367 | confed_scraper | Site scrapers to ease data import into Confed |
11 | 128,955 | 41,086 | paratrooper-newrelic | Send deploy notifications to Newrelic service when deploying with Paratrooper |
12 | 139,512 | 41,086 | paratrooper-asset_precompile | Adds manual asset precompilation to Paratrooper deploy process |
13 | 140,165 | 41,086 | paratrooper-airbrake | Send deploy notifications to Airbrake.io service when deploying with Paratrooper |