1 | 24,390 | 63,432 | bwoken | iOS UIAutomation Test Runner |
2 | 75,473 | 25,458 | suprails | This project is intended to be a replacement for the "rails" command. It doe... |
3 | 79,352 | 63,432 | pianobartender | Wraps pianobar in a really simple web api |
4 | 88,507 | 63,432 | idkfa | Use this gem to store your site credentials in a secure way |
5 | 99,671 | 63,432 | sherry | Monkey-patches Kernel to respond to ".sherry?" with "Rather." |
6 | 112,143 | 63,432 | batchr | Perfect for batching operations over long enumerables |
7 | 119,767 | 63,432 | gists | Since gist.github.com is such a fantastic library of random utility functions, this gem... |
8 | 127,711 | 63,432 | guard-readme-on-github | Preview your README as if it's on github |
9 | 135,424 | 41,916 | schulze | The Schulze Method, for ruby |