Leehambley's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1509983capistranoCapistrano is a utility and framework for executing commands in parallel on multiple re...
2717808sshkitA comprehensive toolkit for remotely running commands in a structured manner on groups ...
38811,350capistrano-bundlerBundler support for Capistrano 3.x
41,0751,381capistrano-railsRails specific Capistrano tasks
51,7881,978capistrano-rbenvrbenv integration for Capistrano
62,4247,098capistrano-harrowHooks to allow people experiencing problems with Capistrano to register with a service ...
72,4363,129capistrano-extUseful task libraries and methods for Capistrano
84,6556,757capistrano-statsCollects anonymous usage statistics about Capistrano to aid with platform support and r...
94,8757,145railsless-deployReplacement for the rails deploy strategy which ships with Capistrano, allows you to de...
106,0926,473actionmailer_inline_cssModule for ActionMailer to improve the rendering of HTML emails by using the 'premailer...
117,42812,031rack-google-analyticsSimple Rack middleware for implementing google analytics tracking in your Ruby-Rack bas...
128,27513,823capistrano-platform-resourcesA sort of utilities which helps you to manage platform resources.
1319,88651,280capistrano-pyenva capistrano recipe to manage pythons with pyenv.
1426,39136,132yyuu-capistrano-chef-soloa capistrano recipe to invoke chef-solo.
1528,07120,579capistrano-copy-subdira capistrano strategy to deploy subdir with copy strategy.
1630,34851,280capistrano-jdk-installera capistrano recipe to download and install JDK for your projects.
1730,63351,280capistrano-mavena capistrano recipe to deploy Apache Maven based projects.
1831,64751,280capistrano-sbta capistrano recipe to deploy sbt based projects.
1936,99051,280capistrano-autoscalingA Capistrano recipe that configures AutoScaling on Amazon Web Services infrastructure f...
2038,86951,280capistrano-configa capistrano recipe to manage configurations files.
2140,66536,132capistrano-virtualenva capistrano recipe to deploy python apps with virtualenv.
2241,17636,132capistrano-file-transfer-extA sort of utilities which helps you transferring files with Capistrano.
2354,37051,280capistrano-file-resourcesA sort of utilities which helps you to manage file resources.
2457,09551,280capistrano-upstarta capistrano recipe to manage upstart serivce.
2559,80827,812capistrano-custom-maintenancea customizable capistrano maintenance recipe.
2661,20351,280capistrano-mona capistrano recipe to setup Mon.
2772,88351,280capistrano-playa capistrano recipe to deploy Play! apps.
2885,90730,982xxdsimple naïve implementation of xxd in both directions for Ruby
2987,43751,280capistrano-redeployA dangerous recipe that overwrites your running application.
3089,49651,280capistrano-haproxya capistrano recipe to setup HAProxy.
3190,04751,280capistrano-supervisorda capistrano recipe to deploy supervisord based services.
3292,12551,280asshertSSHKit based assertions
3392,87951,280deployPlacegolder gem for a forthcoming deployment assistance tool
3496,09751,280rack-thumb-proxyRack middleware for resizing proxied requests for images which don't reside on your own...
35114,50951,280capistrano-edgeCapistrano is a utility and framework for executing commands in parallel on multiple re...
36122,22851,280capistrano-nexusa capistrano recipe to deploy Sonatype Nexus.
37128,34751,280fernA small reusable toolkit for performing testable operations over SSH using Ruby.
38131,06951,280opinionsA toolkit for storing user votes/opinions in Redis
39134,78051,280rack_guarantee_trailing_new_lineAdds a trailing new line to all Rack responses
41136,40751,280tv-data-api-clientsProvides access to the TVDB Api, unofficially for an Api key, register at http://thetvd...
42136,59651,280harrowThe Harrow client gem
43164,02051,280failblazerA frozen and heavily hacked version of Trailblazer 2.0.7
44168,54451,280envalidUseful in 12factor apps, or generally to have a better experience than just reaching in...