Foobear's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,2564,239active_typeMake any Ruby object quack like ActiveRecord
24,1468,617cucumber_prioritycucumber_priority provides a way to mark step definitions as overridable, meaning that ...
34,39110,626spreewaldA collection of cucumber steps we use in our projects, including steps to check HTML, t...
44,4684,354capybara-lockstepSynchronize Capybara commands with client-side JavaScript and AJAX requests
55,2125,404edge_riderPower tools for ActiveRecord relations (scopes)
65,60210,626cucumber_factoryCucumber Factory allows you to create ActiveRecord models from your Cucumber features w...
76,0666,396consulA scope-based authorization solution for Ruby on Rails.
86,6608,274query_dietRails database query counter that stays out of your way
97,1616,261memoizedMemoized caches the results of your method calls
107,18710,374geordiCollection of command line tools we use in our daily work with Ruby, Rails and Linux at...
117,9607,290minidusenLow-tech search for ActiveRecord with MySQL or PostgreSQL
128,02022,984rspec_candyRSpec helpers and matchers we use in our daily work at makandra.
138,27510,374assignable_valuesRestrict the values assignable to ActiveRecord attributes or associations
149,36810,133unpoly-railsRails bindings for Unpoly, the unobtrusive JavaScript framework
159,78313,822modularityTraits and partial classes for Ruby
169,88213,082railslts-versionPart of Rails LTS. This gem no longer serves any function.
1711,30819,502has_defaultsDefault values for ActiveRecord models
1812,9707,924safe_cookiesMake all cookies `secure` and `HttpOnly`.
1913,61319,502aegisAegis is an authorization solution for Ruby on Rails that supports roles and a RESTish,...
2013,81013,822makandra-rubocopA relaxed set of default Rubocop settings to use across makandra projects.
2114,28922,984upjs-railsSnappy UI for server-side web applications
2215,26230,732dusenComprehensive full text search for ActiveRecord and MySQL
2315,61617,200capistrano-opscompleteCapistrano tasks for easy deployment to a makandra opscomplete environment.
2417,60830,732makandra_sidekiqSupport code for sidekiq, including rake tasks and capistrano recipes.
2519,31657,505apifyCompact definition of JSON APIs for Rails applications.
2619,61457,505angular_xssPatches rails_xss and Haml so AngularJS interpolations are auto-escaped in unsafe strings.
2721,60414,623rails_state_machineActiveRecord-bound state machine
2822,09615,664gemikaHelpers for testing Ruby gems
2922,17222,984cucumber_spinnerFormatter for cucumber like the RSpecSpinner for RSpec. Shows a progress bar on the com...
3022,93930,732makandra-navyComprehensive solution for multi-level horizontal navigation bars.
3123,72830,732micro_exiftoolMinimal ruby wrapper around exiftool..
3225,88057,505makandra_resource_controllerRails RESTful controller abstraction plugin.
3330,44622,984machinist_callbacksCallback hooks for machinist blueprints
3448,22957,505pollyannaVery simple search for your ActiveRecord models.
3551,54257,505precompiled_assetsServe assets without any asset processing in Rails.
3652,14630,732katapultKatapult is a framework for generating base code for Rails applications in two leap...
3753,62613,082secret_serviceSecret service provides encryption of your application secrets with a server side maste...
3855,21357,505rack-steady_etagRack Middleware that produces the same ETag for responses that only differ in CSRF toke...
3961,47357,505gurney_clientGurney is a small tool to extract yarn and RubyGems dependencies from project files and...
4067,08357,505mail_magnetOverride ActionMailer recipients so all mails go to a given address
4170,02157,505rascalSpin up CI environments locally.
4280,42117,200serum-railsScans a Rails application for metrics relevant to security audits
43160,68457,505cloud_testEnables cross-browser-testing with by the integration of the following providers Browse...
44166,28257,505lts_fixesA collection of fixes to make some old gems Ruby 2.3+ compatible.