W00lf's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
17,1516,756expressirExpressir (“EXPRESS in Ruby”) is a Ruby parser for EXPRESS and a set of tools for acces...
211,16216,743metanorma-plugin-lutamlMetanorma plugin for LutaML
313,11529,727lutaml-umlLutaml stub gem for lutaml-uml
413,13116,743metanorma-plugin-datastructMetanorma plugin for yaml2text and json2text
514,41343,535reverse_adocGenerate AsciiDoc from HTML and Microsoft Word via CLI or library.
614,63932,988lutaml-expressLutaml stub gem for lutaml-express
714,89839,646lutaml-xmiLutaml stub gem for lutaml-xmi
822,28534,617stepmod-utilsStepmod-utils is a toolkit that works on STEPmod data.