1 | 33,046 | 20,946 | qalam_merit | Manage badges, points and rankings (reputation) in your Rails app. |
2 | 45,597 | 28,615 | qalam_oauth_engine | CanvasOauth is a mountable engine for handling the oauth workflow with canvas and makin... |
3 | 49,990 | 97,699 | qalam_lti_provider_engine | LtiProvider is a mountable engine for handling the LTI launch and exposing LTI paramete... |
4 | 108,961 | 53,223 | qalam_ims_lti | Ruby library for creating IMS LTI tool providers and consumers |
5 | 155,251 | 97,699 | fontcustom_canvas | This gem for font customization of canvas-lms |
6 | 175,328 | 11,663 | mqttopia | Mqttopia description |
7 | 176,679 | 97,699 | first_gem_rb | Ruby gem for FirstGem |
8 | 176,703 | 53,223 | google_map_services | Ruby gem for Google Maps Web Service APIs |
9 | 179,621 | 20,946 | google_maps_apis | Ruby gem for Google Maps Web Service APIs |