Wycats's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1345392colored>> puts "this is red".red >> puts "this is red with a blue background (read: ugly)"...
2357469active_model_serializersActiveModel::Serializers allows you to generate your JSON in an object-oriented and con...
31,1861,490monetaA unified interface to key/value stores
41,5833,667extlibSupport library for Merb
51,9352,354skylightSkylight is a smart profiler for Rails, Sinatra, and other Ruby apps.
63,1247,618skylight-coreThe core methods of the Skylight profiler.
73,6875,155handlebars-sourceHandlebars.js source code wrapper for (pre)compilation gems.
83,7886,784ember-sourceEmber.js source code wrapper for use with Ruby libs.
94,1046,999ember-data-sourceember-data source code wrapper for use with Ruby libs.
104,60614,664artificeReplaces Net::HTTP with a subclass that routes all requests to a Rack application
117,14716,931templaterTemplater has the ability to both copy files from A to B and also to render templates u...
127,16614,664datamapperFaster, Better, Simpler.
138,19412,169redgreenredgreen is an expanded version of Pat Eyler's RedGreen. It will install a 'rg' file i...
149,30534,466merb-coreMerb. Pocket rocket web framework.
159,59239,736merb-assetsMerb plugin for supporting assets
169,71111,563merbThe Merb stack
179,80039,736rkellyThe RKelly library will parse JavaScript and return a parse tree.
1810,06134,466rack-offlineA Rack endpoint that generates cache manifests and other useful HTML5 offline utilities...
1910,17561,626merb_datamapperMerb plugin that provides support for datamapper
2010,32780,049merb-hamlMerb plugin for HAML support
2110,46680,049merb-helpersMerb plugin containing view helpers
2210,69361,626merb-param-protectionMerb plugin that helps protecting sensible parameters
2310,69413,480merb-slicesMerb plugin that supports reusable application 'slices'.
2410,95861,626merb-mailerMerb plugin for mailer support
2511,60480,049merb-exceptionsMerb plugin that supports exception notification
2611,69580,049merb-cacheMerb plugin for supporting assets
2711,72939,736merb-action-argsMerb plugin that supports controller action arguments
2811,76680,049merb-genMerb plugin containing useful code generators
2911,96080,049merb-auth-coreAn Authentication framework for Merb
3011,97280,049merb-auth-moreAddons for merb-auth-core
3112,60780,049merb-authMerb plugin that provides authentication support
3213,32380,049merb-auth-slice-passwordMerb Slice with password UI support
3313,78346,897merb-more(merb - merb-core) == merb-more. The Full Stack. Take what you need; leave what you do...
3416,32561,626merb_sequelMerb plugin that provides support for Sequel.
3518,45180,049strobeThe client library for deploying applications to Strobe's HTML5 deployment platform
3619,46480,049merb_activerecordMerb plugin that provides ActiveRecord support for Merb
3720,01461,626helix_runtimeThe Helix Runtime
3822,56280,049sakeSake tastes great and helps maintain system-level Rake files.
3922,86980,049guidesA tool for creating version controlled guides for open source projects, based on the Ra...
4025,35380,049merb_test_unitMerb plugin that provides Test::Unit support
4125,99422,141assistancelight-weight application support
4227,02128,088bundler08An easy way to vendor gem dependencies
4328,97480,049merb_screw_unitMerb Slice that provides support for Screw.Unit testing
4429,43780,049rake-pipeline-web-filtersA collection of web filters for rake-pipeline
4532,21280,049handlebars-railsUse Handlebars.js client- and server-side
4633,49380,049merb_helpersHelper support for merb (similar to the Rails form helpers)
4733,68780,049minigemsLighweight drop-in replacement for rubygems.
4833,97380,049merb_param_protectionMerb plugin that provides params_accessible and params_protected class methods
4934,61780,049spadeUnified JavaScript runner for browser and command line
5035,43880,049merb-builderMerb plugin that provides Builder support
5135,58580,049merb-partsMerb plugin that provides Part Controllers.
5237,17034,466ember-template-compiler-sourceEmber-Handlebars precompiler source code wrapper for use with Ruby libs.
5340,00180,049merb_has_flashRails' 'flash' session notification system ported to Merb
5440,18680,049rails_datamapperRails Plugin for DataMapper
5540,19328,088childlaborChildLabor is a gem that helps manage child processes.
5640,20080,049nginx_config_generatorThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
5741,62780,049merb_partsMerb plugin that provides Part Controllers.
5842,31180,049merb_laszloMerb plugin that provides support for Laszlo.
5946,24080,049merb_builderMerb plugin that provides Builder support
6047,12280,049merb-jqueryMerb plugin that provides jQuery support
6147,81180,049merb_jqueryMerb plugin that provides jQuery support
6250,29280,049jquery-cheatjQuery command-line API reference
6355,23630,826asdfUse Rack::Directory to rackup the current directory on port 9292 for availability in a ...
6456,02980,049rake-pipelineSimple Asset Management
6563,62180,049textmateCommand-line textmate package manager
6666,39461,626merb-freezerMerb plugin that let's you freeze Merb
6768,22880,049helix-railsHelix for Rails
6869,07280,049merb_has_rails_pluginsMerb plugin that provides autoloading of Rails plugins from plugins/ dir
6988,42080,049merb_akismetProvides spam checking with Akismet for Merb apps
7091,25980,049unicodecharsdescription of gem
7191,38680,049xbm_rubydescription of gem
7292,20480,049rubygems-bug-childDemonstrates a rubygems bug that exists in 1.9 because of gem prelude but not 1.8
73109,61839,736attachmerb_fuMerb plugin that provides a port of attachment_fu to merb
74116,35380,049gemcutter-xssHax alert('omg hax')
75116,61246,897dropdrop is a simple command line utility to help you upload files
76120,13480,049merb_exceptionsAllows Merb to forward exceptions to emails or web hooks
77120,96980,049merb_storiesMerb plugin that provides basic support for rSpec text stories
78122,138163,113rubygems-bug-parentDemonstrates a rubygems bug that exists in 1.9 because of gem prelude but not 1.8
79128,10980,049SlimTestZenTest provides 4 different tools: zentest, unit_diff, autotest, and multiruby. ZenTe...
80154,29280,049parsejsParseJS is a JavaScript parser written using KPeg
81166,178163,113slackathonA simple way to build Slack interations inside a Rails app.