Lutaml's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
17,1594,738expressirExpressir (“EXPRESS in Ruby”) is a Ruby parser for EXPRESS and a set of tools for acces...
211,2714,714metanorma-plugin-lutamlMetanorma plugin for LutaML
311,8044,738lutamlLutaML: data models in textual form
412,90110,261lutaml-umlLutaml stub gem for lutaml-uml
514,43819,101lutaml-expressLutaml stub gem for lutaml-express
614,69413,858lutaml-xmiLutaml stub gem for lutaml-xmi
749,4514,727lutaml-modelLutaML creating data models in Ruby
853,9855,120xmiXMI data model parser
980,6505,094ogc-gmlOGC GML data model parser
10170,53433,893lutaml-sysmlLutaml stub gem for lutaml-sysml
11182,15729,456metaschemaParser and generator for NIST Metaschema
12182,79561,367genericodeParser and generator for OASIS Genericode
13183,09041,086oasis-etmLibrary for manipulation of OASIS Exchange Table Model XML.
14183,13761,367aliA Ruby library for parsing and generating NISO Access and License Indicators (ALI) Sche...
15183,19361,367reqifA Ruby library for parsing and generating ReqIF data
16183,23341,086moxmlMoxml is a unified XML manipulation library that provides a common API.
17183,29741,086lutaml-xsdParser and builder for XML Schema Definition (XSD) files.
18183,30961,367rngLibrary to parse and build RELAX NG (RNG) and RELAX NG Compact Syntax (RNC) schemas.