1 | 7,151 | 6,756 | expressir | Expressir (“EXPRESS in Ruby”) is a Ruby parser for EXPRESS and a set of tools for acces... |
2 | 11,162 | 16,743 | metanorma-plugin-lutaml | Metanorma plugin for LutaML |
3 | 11,636 | 14,758 | lutaml | LutaML: data models in textual form |
4 | 13,115 | 29,727 | lutaml-uml | Lutaml stub gem for lutaml-uml |
5 | 14,639 | 32,988 | lutaml-express | Lutaml stub gem for lutaml-express |
6 | 14,898 | 39,646 | lutaml-xmi | Lutaml stub gem for lutaml-xmi |
7 | 29,455 | 5,914 | lutaml-model | LutaML creating data models in Ruby |
8 | 39,156 | 16,519 | xmi | XMI data model parser |
9 | 53,398 | 25,474 | ogc-gml | OGC GML data model parser |
10 | 71,485 | 5,932 | moxml | Moxml is a unified XML manipulation library that provides a common API. |
11 | 138,249 | 17,220 | lutaml-xsd | Parser and builder for XML Schema Definition (XSD) files. |
12 | 170,413 | 77,965 | lutaml-sysml | Lutaml stub gem for lutaml-sysml |
13 | 180,646 | 117,678 | genericode | Parser and generator for OASIS Genericode |
14 | 180,946 | 46,777 | metaschema | Parser and generator for NIST Metaschema |
15 | 181,635 | 8,398 | lutaml-hal | Hypertext Application Language (HAL) implementation for Lutaml model |
16 | 183,465 | 97,080 | oasis-etm | Library for manipulation of OASIS Exchange Table Model XML. |
17 | 183,672 | 68,530 | ali | A Ruby library for parsing and generating NISO Access and License Indicators (ALI) Sche... |
18 | 183,780 | 97,080 | reqif | A Ruby library for parsing and generating ReqIF data |
19 | 183,937 | 117,678 | rng | Library to parse and build RELAX NG (RNG) and RELAX NG Compact Syntax (RNC) schemas. |