Dkastner's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,7172,401indefinite_articleAdds indefinite article methods to String and Symbol
25,1135,399verbsConjugates most common english verbs for all persons, tenses, standard aspects, and mod...
37,16141,086data_minerDownload, pull out of a ZIP/TAR/GZ/BZ2 archive, parse, correct, and import XLS, ODS, XM...
47,40061,367earthAn earth-simulation environment with ActiveRecord models and data
57,93041,086brighter_planet_layoutLayouts, partials, stylesheets, and images
68,28323,402remote_tableOpen local or remote XLSX, XLS, ODS, CSV (comma separated), TSV (tab separated), other ...
78,76941,086sniffProvides development and test environment for Brighter Planet's impact model libraries.
811,12161,367emitterA framework for modelling the impact of real-world entities.
912,0929,821carbonBrighter Planet API client for Ruby
1013,65861,367flightA software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of a flight
1116,00641,086leapLeap to conclusions
1216,52861,367purchaseA software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of a purchase
1316,92861,367characterizableCharacterize the relationship between "attributes" (getters/setters) of instances of a ...
1417,06061,367automobileA software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of an automobile
1517,72461,367tronprintA gem for monitoring the carbon footprint of your ruby app
1618,60761,367brighter_planet_metadataWhat emitters (carbon models), resources (data classes), datasets, etc. we offer.
1719,12461,367cohort_scopeProvides big_cohort, which widens by finding the characteristic that eliminates the mos...
1819,34961,367dietA software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of a diet
1919,83733,893bus_tripA software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of a bus trip
2021,10061,367residenceA software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of an residence
2122,76741,086rail_tripA software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of an rail_trip
2223,25741,086dkastner-monetaA unified interface to key/value stores
2323,35614,205petA software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of an pet
2424,23561,367summary_judgementConstructs adaptive summaries of object hierarchies based on ActiveRecord associations ...
2524,60061,367automobile_tripA software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of an automobile trip
2624,88761,367fuel_purchaseA software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of a fuel purchase
2725,13015,060motorcycleA software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of an motorcycle
2829,34461,367charismaDefine strategies for accessing and displaying a subset of your classes' attributes
2930,03061,367buellerBueller provides a command to create new gem project directories. Code to help you star...
3032,07718,157meetingA software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of a meeting
3132,17917,333lodgingA software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of a lodging
3233,56541,086computationA software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of a computer's computations
3333,92061,367shipmentA software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of a shipment
3435,49661,367graficoRails (2.x - 3.x) view helpers for graphs using Grafico, a javascript graphic library b...
3542,26161,367falls_back_onActiveRecord extension to intelligently fall back on another column when a given column...
3642,31761,367conversionsA Ruby on Rails plugin that adds conversion capabilities to numeric objects
3746,95661,367secret_gardenProvide secrets either via ENV or fall back to secure backends like vault
3849,83121,627nodeifyThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
3950,39419,101pasqualShortcuts for postgres commands, with option to use ENV-configured conenction URLs
4076,38461,367rails-rack-sessionEnable sessions/cookies in Rails that are compatible with standard rack apps
4178,71561,367devise-auth0Allow logged-in auth0 users to access protected areas
4281,56441,086rack-siChoose params that are converted with Herbalist to base SI units (meters, grams, etc)
4388,73161,367hughA slider for picking a color hue built with Scriptaculous and Prototype
4489,23561,367dkastner-hutchHutch is a Ruby library for enabling asynchronous inter-service communication using Rab...
4589,96261,367socket.ioA plugin for Cramp that enables websockets using the protocol
4695,26461,367to_json_fixUntil ActiveSupport gets its act together, fix to_json ArgumentError (2 for 1), StackLe...
47100,91061,367capybara-remote-viewerView capybara page dumps remotely
48115,88561,367hutch-rollbarA Rollbar error_handler class for hutch
49116,99261,367consignmentA software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of a consignment
50117,96461,367dkastner-roccoDocco in Ruby
51118,83261,367dkastner-tapsA simple database agnostic import/export app to transfer data to/from a remote database.
52120,79961,367bpTools for building gems and such
53120,83361,367co2_equivalentsCO2Equivalents converts everyday units of measurement into human-grokable units. For in...
54121,10861,367dkastner-httpartyMakes http fun! Also, makes consuming restful web services dead easy.
55121,40261,367dkastner-tmuxinatorCreate and manage complex tmux and iTerm sessions easily.
56122,98761,367concur_connectAccess your Concur data via OAuth
57126,84961,367dkastner-alchemistConversions... like you've never seen them before!!
58131,19941,086omniauth-concurAdd concur oauth support to your rails/ruby app
59134,27561,367dkastner-capybara-wheelKeeping the rodent on track
60142,73041,086pairityStore key pairs (e.g. for SSH connections) in your ENV or in a file
61164,73461,367dkastner-hoverflyUse this library to interact with Hoverfly in ruby