Wr0ngway's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,20312,065resque-dynamic-queuesA resque plugin for specifying the queues a worker pulls from with wildcards, negations...
26,39533,893rubberThe rubber plugin enables relatively complex multi-instance deployments of RubyOnRails ...
36,82410,496log4r-gelfA Log4r appender for logging to a gelf sink, e.g. the graylog2 server
49,4089,629lumberLumber tries to make it easy to use the more robust log4r logging system within your ra...
59,95729,456resque-concurrent-restrictionA resque plugin for limiting how many of a specific job can run concurrently
610,72120,275resque-queue-priorityA resque plugin for specifying the priority between queues that workers use to determin...
719,13116,044graylog2-resqueA resque failure handler that sends failures to the graylog2 log management facility
824,80425,716netticaA ruby client for managing nettica bulk-dns entries using the Nettica SOAP API
925,17761,367simplygenius-atmosAtmos provides a terraform scaffold for creating cloud system architectures
1025,74218,157log4r-exceptionableFailure handlers for rack and resque that log failures using log4r. It is expected tha...
1133,26661,367assert_valid_markupAlso contains some conveniences such as a flag to clear w3c cache at runtime, and some ...
1235,71441,086gem_loggerAllows classes/modules in gems to have logger class/instance methods with a pluggable L...
1338,78161,367qmoreQmore allows one to specify the queues a worker processes by the use of wildcards, nega...
1439,18341,086tivohmoAllows one to author Tivo HMO applications using ruby
1545,22161,367sidekiq-dynamic-queuesA sidekiq plugin for specifying the queues a worker pulls from with wildcards, negation...
1649,33461,367tridentManages pools of forked ruby processes
1761,00661,367qless-poolquickly and easily fork a pool of qless workers, saving memory (w/REE) and monitori...
1897,31861,367spork-rdebugide-testunitTest Unit runner for spork with rdebug-ide integration (for rubymine)
1998,44261,367redis_utilAn aggregation of redis utility code, including a factory for tracking connections
20135,12661,367resque-filterA resque plugin that allows jobs to execute only if a filter is true, re-queueing other...
21135,54461,367kindle_utilA utility for performing bulk actions against your kindle library, most notably to allo...
22143,93361,367tivohmo-streamio-ffmpegForked from streamio-ffmpeg for use by tivohmo gem