1 | 46,260 | 10,702 | katalyst-koi | Koi CMS admin framework |
2 | 47,233 | 11,527 | katalyst-tables | HTML table generator for building tabular index views with filtering, sorting, and pagi... |
3 | 57,474 | 14,821 | rubocop-katalyst | Code standards for Katalyst |
4 | 61,502 | 15,124 | katalyst-content | Rich content page builder and editor |
5 | 62,747 | 10,800 | katalyst-govuk-formbuilder | UK.GOV form builder ready for use in Katalyst projects |
6 | 64,178 | 9,834 | katalyst-navigation | Navigation generator and editor |
7 | 101,710 | 40,267 | katalyst-healthcheck | Health check routes and functions |
8 | 117,365 | 40,267 | katalyst-basic-auth | Makes it easy to add basic auth on staging and development apps. |