1 | 6,031 | 7,065 | marc | A ruby library for working with Machine Readable Cataloging |
2 | 6,530 | 4,720 | solr_wrapper | Solr service wrapper |
3 | 9,631 | 9,378 | library_stdnums | A simple set of module functions to normalize, validate, and convert common library sta... |
4 | 9,912 | 8,981 | traject | An easy to use, high-performance, flexible and extensible metadata transformation syste... |
5 | 13,991 | 9,161 | marc-fastxmlwriter | Faster (but unverified) MARC-XML from a MARC Record |
6 | 19,823 | 43,406 | marcspec | Relies on marc4j4r, based on work in solrmarc |
7 | 20,540 | 66,923 | marc4j4r | Syntactic sugar and some extra methods to deal with MARC data using a fork of the excel... |
8 | 25,854 | 66,923 | jruby_streaming_update_solr_server | Some sugar on top of StreamingUpdateSolrServer for use within JRuby |
9 | 26,546 | 66,923 | marc2solr | Given a file of MARC records, send them to Sorl for indexing based on a set of MARCSpecs |
10 | 30,563 | 35,214 | threach | An addition to the Enumerable module that allows easy use of threaded each and each-lik... |
11 | 38,555 | 43,406 | traject_umich_format | The algorithm used by the University of Michigan University Library to determine format... |
12 | 43,448 | 66,923 | marc-marc4j | Provides converters (and bundled jar files if you don't already have your own) to conve... |
13 | 56,098 | 66,923 | traject_alephsequential_reader | A basic traject reader to process Ex Libris's AlephSequential format on input |
14 | 59,520 | 66,923 | marc_alephsequential | A ruby-marc reader for Aleph sequential files, a MARC serialization supported by Ex Lib... |
15 | 60,420 | 17,167 | simple_solr_client | Interact with a Solr API via JSON |
16 | 60,614 | 66,923 | traject-marc4j_reader | Allows jruby users to leverage marc-marc4j to use marc4j as a reader under traject. |
17 | 62,281 | 66,923 | match_map | MatchMap is a map representing key=>value pairs but where
(a) a query argument can... |
18 | 65,458 | 66,923 | jruby_threach | Run a block of code in multiple threads. Similar to threach, but with the ability to de... |
19 | 72,130 | 66,923 | naconormalizer | Apply NACO normaliation to a string. This is just a tiny wrapper around code taken from... |
20 | 91,819 | 66,923 | lc_callnumber | Work with LC Call (Classification) Numbers |
21 | 110,764 | 66,923 | zinzout | Transparently open gzipped files for input/output |
22 | 118,125 | 24,362 | high_level_browse | Map LC call numbers to academic categories. |
23 | 120,626 | 66,923 | date_named_file | Utility to deal with files with embedded dates |
24 | 123,076 | 66,923 | jlogger | Include in your modules to get a defaul 'log' object; then use it to log stuff |
25 | 135,189 | 66,923 | java_streamify | that's really about it... |
26 | 144,542 | 66,923 | line_iterator | Provides methods to more easily work with line-oriented text file and records within th... |
27 | 145,815 | 43,406 | samplelines | Simple command line utility to pick a random sample of lines out of the given file(s) |
28 | 152,638 | 66,923 | milemarker | Track and produce loglines for batch processing progress. |
29 | 156,200 | 66,923 | traject-solrj_writer | Use Traject into index data into Solr using solrj under JRuby |
30 | 165,998 | 30,535 | solr_cursorstream | Get an iterator on a solr filter using stream/cursor |
31 | 174,905 | 24,362 | solr_cloud-connection | Do basic administrative operations on a solr cloud instance and collections within |
32 | 168,916 | 96,242 | waypoint | Track and produce loglines for batch processing progress. |