Mikisvaz's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,96313,218rbbt-utilUtilities for handling tsv files, caches, etc
26,50613,506rbbt-restBasic web app controllers and templates
310,21325,716rbbt-sourcesData sources like PubMed, Entrez Gene, or Gene Ontology
411,00315,060tokyocabinetTokyo Cabinet is a library of routines for managing a database. The database is a simp...
513,80041,086rbbt-dmData-mining and statistics
615,23961,367simplewsGenerates WSDL automatically. It manages jobs as asynchronous processes
717,98161,367rbbt-studyThis gem add the study entity with suport for NGS, Microarray and other types of data
820,39325,716rbbt-textText mining tools: named entity recognition and normalization, document classification,...
921,42361,367rbbt-imageBuilds provision files for docker and Vagrant and helps run them
1022,26661,367rbbt-marqFind microarray experiments with similar or opposite signature to a given query. A SOAP...
1126,18461,367rbbtMeta package for a gem that requires the basic Rbbt packages
1234,19561,367rbbt-phgxPharmaco-genomics related data sources. Deprecated. Relevant files moved to rbbt-source...
1336,55161,367progress-monitorPatches some each and collect functions of certain classes (Array, Hash, Integer) to re...
1442,44741,086rbbt-viewsRest and HTML interface
1552,12561,367rbbt-entitiesEntities for handling tsv files, caches, etc
1667,85361,367rbbt-GEGene Expression in RBBT
1774,69561,367rbbt-marq-wwwThis package contains a SOAP web server and a merb application.
1875,02361,367rbbt-sentUse literature mining to find semantic features to describe clusers of genes
1983,11261,367DBcacheCreates a table and stores and retrieves de data on the hash. It can guess the best fie...
2084,05741,086DRbServeOne process loads the module and serves some methods unsing DRb. Other processes mangle...
2191,04241,086scout-gearTemporary files, logs, path, resources, persistence, workflows, TSV, etc.
22121,33441,086MARQFind microarray experiments with similar or opposite signature to a given query. This g...
23124,64861,367rbbt-sent-wwwThis package contains a SOAP web server and a merb application.
24137,36041,086scout-essentialsThings a scout can use anywhere