Djanowski's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
172111redisA Ruby client that tries to match Redis' API one-to-one, while still providing an i...
28729connection_poolGeneric connection pool for Ruby
35911,022hiredisRuby wrapper for hiredis (protocol serialization/deserialization and blocking I/O)
42,5894,089shotgunReloading Rack development server
53,0105,220nestIt is a design pattern in key-value databases to use the key to simulate structure, and...
63,0584,258webratWebrat lets you quickly write expressive and robust acceptance tests for a Ruby web app...
74,2766,464ohmOhm is a library that allows to store an object in Redis, a persistent key-value databa...
84,8597,085ohm-contribIncludes a couple of core functions such as callbacks, timestamping, typecasting and lo...
96,4633,636pygmentizeA Ruby gem that vendors Pygments
108,55415,639selenium-rcThe Selenium Server packaged as a gem
1113,00514,727cutestRun tests in separate processes to avoid shared state.
1214,38114,932contestWrite declarative tests using nested contexts without performance penalties. Contest is...
1314,48618,451redis-poolA Redis connection pool.
1414,5629,167batchIterate Enumerables with progress reporting.
1523,12440,073xapian-fuA library to provide a more Ruby-like interface to the Xapian search engine.
1623,35454,266ohm-sortedAn plugin for Ohm that lets you create sorted indices.
1723,78934,261ostOst lets you manage queues and workers with Redis.
1825,03754,266dependenciesSpecify your project's dependencies in one file.
1926,15554,266relayRelay allows you to execute remote commands via SSH with ease.
2027,31154,266redic-poolA Redis connection pool using Redic.
2132,21454,266monkMonk is a glue framework for web development. It means that instead of installing all t...
2236,79521,394storiesWrite Stories and User Acceptance Tests using Contest, the tiny add on to Test::Unit th...
2337,25354,266collageRack middleware that packages your JS into a single file.
2437,40640,073disqueDisque client for Ruby
2537,94127,795teleTele is a small provisioning framework that allows you to run shell scripts on remote s...
2640,96954,266cachoA careless caching client optimized for scraping.
2741,17754,266joeJoe takes you from a gem specification to world domination in a single step.
2849,86754,266exception_noTruly basic exception notification.
3056,93925,428s4Simple API for AWS S3
3161,59654,266mock-serverA quick way of mocking an external web service you want to consume.
3269,74554,266dolarhoyA command-line tool for
3370,32754,266cpaA CLI tool to query Argentinean zip codes.
3473,19054,266ftLow-level interface to Google's Fusion Tables + CLI tool
3579,49454,266redis-scriptedA Ruby client that supports the experimental scripting feature of Redis
3679,67430,545sequel-fusiontablesFusion Tables adapter for Sequel
3799,22054,266memmoIn-memory, thread-safe caches supporting time-to-live.
38105,14954,266ohm-identity_mapBasic identity map for Ohm.
39107,97854,266alephLiterate-programming HTML
41111,81054,266havannaRuby workers for Disque.
42120,43554,266ohm-compositeComposite (regular and unique) indices for Ohm.
43122,15054,266whitelistWhitelist helps you filter a parameters hash to get only the values you care about.
44123,96354,266validate_optionsHash validation for 'options'-like methods.
45124,90354,266parPar is a lightweight binding for par, a handy Unix tool for formatting paragraphs.
46128,89054,266rprovRprov is a simple command line utility which helps you provision an...