Iskin's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1276644autoprefixer-railsParse CSS and add vendor prefixes to CSS rules using values from the Can I Use website.
24,9107,285rails-sass-imagesSass functions and mixins to inline images and get images size
36,31212,736r18n-coreR18n is a i18n tool to translate your Ruby application. It has nice Ruby-style synt...
48,33941,086r18n-desktopA i18n tool to translate your desktop application in several languages. It is just ...
58,46615,060sinatra-r18nA Sinatra extension that provides i18n support to translate your web application. I...
612,09733,893r18n-rails-apiR18n backend for Rails I18n and R18n filters and loader to support Rails translatio...
712,10815,549visibilityjsVisibility.js allow you to determine whether your web page is visible to an user, is hi...
812,40441,086r18n-railsOut-of-box R18n support for Ruby on Rails. It is just a wrapper for R18n Rails API ...
914,49921,627fotoramajsFotorama is a simple, stunning, powerful JavaScript gallery. This is a gem, that allow...
1014,69841,086jquery-cdnBest way to use latest jQuery in Ruby app
1115,15861,367evil-blocks-railsTiny JS framework for web pages to split your app to independent blocks
1219,96733,893twitter2vk_reposterServer script to repost Twitter statuses to VK (В Контакте). Install twitter2vk to ...
1320,00941,086twitter2vkConsole tool to create new config and cron task to automatic repost Twitter statuse...
1420,27341,086evil-frontHelpers, Sass mixins and JS shortcuts from Evil Martians
1529,25816,044microengineMicroEngine is a fast, simple and minimalistic site engine. It contain good i18n suppo...
1637,30561,367evil-front-allHelpers, Sass mixins, JS shortcuts and workflow from Evil Martians
1741,27141,086evil-front-railsHelpers, Sass mixins, JS shortcuts, workflow and Rails settings from Evil Martians
1848,58121,627merb_r18nA plugin for the Merb framework that provides i18n support to translate your site in se...
1950,87121,627plain_recordPlain Record is a data persistence, which use human editable and readable plain tex...
2052,03521,627pagesjsPages.js allow you to manage pages JS code and forget about low-level History API.
2159,45561,367darianThis is Ruby library to convert Earth time to Mars time in Darian calendar. It use ...
2292,81661,367transition-events-jsjQuery plugin to set listeners for CSS Transition animation end or specific part.
2394,86861,367compassjsCompass.js allow you to get compass heading in JavaScript by PhoneGap, iOS API or GPS h...
2498,73161,367visibilityVisibility.js allow you to determine whether your web page is visible to an user, is hi...
25122,11041,086jquery-restAdd shortcuts to make PUT and DELETE AJAX requests. Shorcuts create POST request and ov...
26124,20261,367ruby2jarRuby2Jar build JAR from Ruby script. It copy gems, compile sources and package JAR. It...
27136,98561,367transition_events_jsjQuery plugin to set listeners for CSS Transition animation end or specific part.