1 | 203 | 222 | temple | Template compilation framework in Ruby |
2 | 6,564 | 5,191 | duktape | Bindings to the Duktape JavaScript interpreter |
3 | 7,411 | 4,889 | minitest-line | Focused tests for Minitest |
4 | 8,802 | 7,600 | markaby | _why's markaby templating language |
5 | 14,623 | 10,034 | camping | miniature rails for anyone |
6 | 28,987 | 10,634 | mab | Markup as Ruby |
7 | 29,046 | 51,220 | grancher | Easily copy folders and files to other Git branches |
8 | 31,100 | 51,220 | gash | Gash = Git + Hash |
9 | 31,782 | 51,220 | gemify | Gemify is a simple tool which helps you generate gemspecs (which are
used for building ... |
10 | 34,844 | 23,838 | tubby | HTML templates as Ruby |
11 | 42,273 | 51,220 | camping-omnibus | the camping meta-package for updating ActiveRecord, Mongrel and SQLite3 bindings |
12 | 48,906 | 51,220 | nokogirl | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
13 | 65,984 | 51,220 | sexp_path | Example based structural pattern matching for S-Expressions |
14 | 70,277 | 51,220 | imba-source | Ruby gem for the Imba JavaScript library |
15 | 83,850 | 51,220 | minitest-chain | Chainable assertions for MiniTest |
16 | 85,850 | 51,220 | glamping | Glamorous Camping |
17 | 89,142 | 29,512 | jyte | Simple libary for the Jyte API |
18 | 91,929 | 51,220 | imba-rails | Rails integration for Imba |
19 | 101,943 | 51,220 | zrb | Simple template engine |
20 | 107,418 | 51,220 | imba-template | Bridge to the Imba compiler |
21 | 119,134 | 51,220 | filtering_camping | This is an plugin for the Ruby Camping framework, providing a filtering mechanism for c... |
22 | 125,683 | 51,220 | sexp_builder | Easily to match and rewrite S-expressions |
23 | 156,519 | 51,220 | fatgem | Combine gems for multiple Ruby versions |