Defunkt's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1214262redis-namespaceAdds a Redis::Namespace class which can be used to namespace calls to Redis. This is us...
2339665colored>> puts "this is red".red >> puts "this is red with a blue background (read: ugly)"...
36561,230mustacheInspired by ctemplate, Mustache is a framework-agnostic way to render logic-free views....
48511,437resqueResque is a Redis-backed Ruby library for creating background jobs, placing those j...
51,0901,322choiceChoice is a simple little gem for easily defining and parsing command line options with...
61,215621version_sorterVersionSorter is a C extension that does fast sorting of large sets of version strings.
72,2881,874email_reply_parserEmailReplyParser is a small library to parse plain text email content. This is what Git...
82,3442,047fakefsA fake filesystem. Use it in your tests.
93,2754,960gistProvides a single function (Gist.gist) that uploads a gist.
104,9365,694resque-lockA Resque plugin. If you want only one instance of your job queued at a time, extend it ...
116,0126,185hub`hub` is a command line utility which adds GitHub knowledge to `git`. It can used on...
127,5294,524githubThe official `github` command line helper for simplifying your GitHub experience.
137,83712,222redgreenredgreen is an expanded version of Pat Eyler's RedGreen. It will install a 'rg' file i...
148,80014,374cheatcheat prints cheat sheets from, a wiki-like repository of programm...
1515,82616,596tomdocTomDoc is flexible code documentation with human readers in mind. The tomdoc gem is a...
1617,33540,310git-hubThe `git-hub' gem has been renamed `hub'.
1718,15640,310ambitionAmbition builds yer API calls from plain jane Ruby.
1818,78640,310mofomofo is a ruby microformat parser
1919,44540,310cijoecijoe is a sinatra-based continuous integration server. It's like an old rusty pickup...
2022,15827,598sakeSake tastes great and helps maintain system-level Rake files.
2124,54624,456gem-manThe `gem man` command can be used to display a man page for an installed RubyGem. The...
2224,94027,598mgminimal gem
2339,60240,310nginx_config_generatorThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
2443,39740,310sdoc-helpersMakes publishing docs with sdoc slightly more pleasant by adding support for README.m...
2550,69940,310ripRip: Ruby's Intelligent Packaging
2656,08940,310replrepl is an interactive program which tenderly wraps another, non-interactive program, p...
2756,28140,310ambitious-activerecordAn ambitious adapter for ActiveRecord
2873,40740,310ambitious-activeldapAn ambitious adapter for ActiveLDAP
2984,97940,310github_markupThe code we use to render README.your_favorite_markup
3089,51040,310ozoz is a command line tumbler for ozimodo tumblelogs. Use it to query tumblelogs or pos...
3191,07827,598xbm_rubydescription of gem
32115,71540,310dropdrop is a simple command line utility to help you upload files
33120,60840,310lyndonLyndon wraps JavaScript in a loving MacRuby embrace.
34123,34940,310rtimeoutFor timing out system commands.