Pwim's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
111,10329,512galakeiJapanese feature phones (a.k.a., keitai, galakei) have a number of restrictions over no...
213,99113,443event_trackerEasy integration with Mixpanel, Kissmetrics, and Google Analytics for Rails
319,04051,220docomo_cssInlines CSS so that you can use external CSS with docomo handsets.
420,62029,512semi_staticEasily create content for your Rails apps using just textfiles
522,33851,220garailsGoogle Analytics for Rails
627,48218,229devise_ssl_session_verifiableSecure access to SSL based pages while sharing a common session between HTTP and HTTPS
732,18551,220wurflThis gem is no longer maintained. Official Ruby support for WURFL is offered commercial...
833,19351,220active_resource_extensionsA collection of extensions for active resource
933,95729,512gabbaraEasy server-side tracking for Google Analytics
1048,47551,220boundioBoundio is KDDI's telephony API. This is a simple wrapper for it.
1149,08529,512mixpanel_railsTrack stuff using javascript from your controllers, even after redirects
1250,58914,312subscription_fuSubscriptionFu helps with building services which have paid subscriptions. It includes ...
1351,74818,229tiny_cssThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
1477,79251,220middleman-social_imageGenerate social images with Middleman.
1589,03429,512galakei-emailSend email to Japanese phones
1699,32751,220paypal_calculatorRails javascript plugin for calculating PayPal fees
17121,30851,220csv_importUse this Rails 3 plugin to easily import data via csv files
18126,05251,220yubinbangDo lookup based on Japanese Postal Code Database.
19131,53851,220simple_form-jpmobileKeitai numeric imput modes on SimpleForm
20133,04151,220kissmetrics_railsA basic rails wrapper for kissmetrics
21175,20851,220line_awesome_railsUse Line Awesome's SVGs in Rails.