Mame's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16717rexmlAn XML toolkit for Ruby
2108129ruby2_keywordsShim library for Module#ruby2_keywords
337691dateA subclass of Object includes Comparable module for handling dates.
4844889rbtreeA RBTree is a sorted associative collection that is implemented with a Red-Black Tree. ...
51,379669rbsRBS is the language for type signatures for Ruby and standard library definitions.
61,544763cgiSupport for the Common Gateway Interface protocol.
72,2591,822typeprofTypeProf performs a type analysis of non-annotated Ruby code. It abstractly executes i...
87,0213,244error_highlightThe gem enhances Exception#message by adding a short explanation where the exception is...
98,5742,495perfect_tomlPerfectTOML is yet another TOML parser. It is fully compliant with TOML v1.0.0, and fas...
1063,05061,367ruby-minisatruby binding for MiniSat, an open-source SAT solver
1172,37061,367rubyfarm-bisectrubyfarm-bisect allows you to do "git bisect" MRI revisions without compilation.
1274,43123,402minrubyThis library provides some helper modules to implement a toy Ruby implementation. This...
1389,72010,140coverage-helpersYou can merge and diff coverage results, and convert them to LCOV info format.
1493,54761,367enumerablerenumerabler enhances Enumerable with methods returning enumerator.
15111,34861,367doublehelixdoublehelix obfuscates Ruby codes in Double-helix style. This is inspired by Perl's Acm...
16116,22861,367case_classThis provides Scala-like case classes for Ruby. You can enjoy pattern matching with pl...
17122,30061,367ikamusumeikamusume invades Ruby.
18123,59561,367inline-ookinline-ook allows you to embed Ook! program in Ruby script
19129,77961,367faster_primeThis provides `Integer#prime?`, `Integer#prime_division`, and `Prime#each` that are alm...
20152,37041,086osxdsp`/dev/dsp` emulator for os x
21181,09961,367slack_socket_mode_botA simple wrapper library for Slack's Socket Mode API