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Shim library for Module#ruby2_keywords
Ranking: 107 of 184,451
Downloads: 351,009,701
Ranking: 121 of 184,440
Downloads: 316,064
Downloads Trends
Ranking Trends
Num of Versions Trends
Popular Versions (Major)
Popular Versions (Major.Minor)
Depended by
Rank | Downloads | Name |
175 | 222,828,770 | mustermann |
648 | 71,535,219 | mocha |
877 | 47,431,395 | draper |
972 | 41,410,256 | derailed_benchmarks |
1,204 | 30,546,510 | grape-path-helpers |
2,599 | 5,891,482 | elastic-apm |
4,472 | 1,556,255 | capybara-lockstep |
4,771 | 1,357,897 | active_record-acts_as |
6,186 | 721,263 | rails-patterns |
7,262 | 491,630 | granite |
8,514 | 359,865 | pg_ha_migrations |
9,005 | 318,869 | search_flip |
9,252 | 302,785 | saharspec |
9,595 | 279,183 | openhab-scripting |
9,704 | 272,149 | atk_toolbox |
10,758 | 220,621 | schemacop |
11,365 | 197,194 | runbook |
14,284 | 128,200 | brick_ftp |
16,852 | 95,485 | alt_memery |
17,325 | 91,182 | redis-memo |
Depends on
Rank | Downloads | Name |