1 | 14,162 | 13,979 | bookingsync_application | A Rails engine to simplify building BookingSync Applications |
2 | 18,348 | 26,609 | bookingsync_portal | A common base for creating BookingSync portal applications. |
3 | 34,295 | 21,532 | istart-rails | iStart-Rails is a set of common helpers to improve your app and speed up it's development |
4 | 35,169 | 42,025 | rspec-subject-extensions | rspec-subject-extensions let's you use short-hands to generate nested examples groups |
5 | 47,141 | 86,038 | account_scopper | Account Scopper: Automatically scope your ActiveRecord's model by account. Ideal for mu... |
6 | 48,548 | 42,025 | phone_validator | phone_validator makes phone validation natural for ActiveModel 3+ objects. Validation u... |
7 | 51,812 | 86,038 | routing_filter_locale_unless_api | A routing-filter additional filter that add locale unless XML or JSON, or root_url with... |