Raggi's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1915rackRack provides a minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web application...
2137221eventmachineEventMachine implements a fast, single-threaded engine for arbitrary network communicat...
3350836statsd-rubyA Ruby StatsD client (https://github.com/etsy/statsd)
41,7713,211eventmachine_httpserverEventMachine HTTP Server
55,8785,695async_sinatraA Sinatra plugin to provide convenience whilst performing asynchronous responses inside...
610,15215,689capybara-pumaA Capybara server replacement using the Puma webserver
712,18530,805rubygems-mirrorThis is an update to the old `gem mirror` command. It uses net/http/persistent and thre...
818,71153,034sourcesThis package provides download sources for remote gem installation
926,73959,805openid_active_record_storeAn ActiveRecord store for OpenID, forked from its original author for rails 3 support
1028,00545,453hoe-gemspec2Adds support for generation of gemspec files to Hoe. By default, excludes the signing k...
1240,06697,623micro_fireA micro single room Campfire interface that only depends on Net::HTTP::Persistent and a...
1341,81532,329win32_service_managerA simple wrapper around Win32::Service to present a more 'God' (http://god.rubyforge.o...
1444,79097,623eventmachine-win32Ruby/EventMachine socket engine library- binary gem for Win32
1553,27741,945rubyw_helperA simple redirector for use when you just want to safely redirect stdio. Simply encapsu...
1653,94728,607vlad-daemon_kitDaemon Kit tasks for Vlad the Deployer.
1757,48797,623any_dataSmall helper which provides and IO like ruby's DATA for $0, but for any file.
1862,89145,453srvany_managerA quick and simple manager for running programs as services on win32. Makes use of / r...
1974,82153,034subloadA handy dandy autoload / require / load helper for your rubies. Similar to using[1], bu...
2084,34497,623exception_stringProvides clean exception formatting as a string, which resembles native output formats ...
21116,32297,623eventmachine_snmpagentEvented SNMP Agent
22117,04997,623dated_versionA simple to use version class based on a date and iterative tiny version.
23118,34097,623hoe-gemcutterAdds gemcutter release automation to Hoe.
24124,46574,886ruby_service_helperSimple declarative configuration for running ruby programs as win32 services using win3...
25134,54659,805youre_doing_it_wrongWarns you if you're doing it wrong