Categories: None [Edit]
A Sinatra plugin to provide convenience whilst performing asynchronous
responses inside of the Sinatra framework running under async webservers.
To properly utilise this package, some knowledge of EventMachine and/or
asynchronous patterns is recommended.
Currently, supporting servers include:
* Thin
* Rainbows
* Zbatery
Ranking: 5,917 of 184,426
Downloads: 800,711
Ranking: 10,680 of 184,403
Downloads: 51
Downloads Trends
Ranking Trends
Num of Versions Trends
Popular Versions (Major)
Popular Versions (Major.Minor)
Depended by
Rank | Downloads | Name |
8,426 | 367,109 | softcover |
19,194 | 77,453 | deelay |
22,056 | 62,732 | zygote |
25,122 | 52,106 | caldecott |
28,495 | 43,537 | fingerpoken |
33,127 | 35,545 | image8 |
65,122 | 14,360 | bayeux-rack |
72,641 | 12,203 | genesisreactor |
75,108 | 11,632 | nagios-dashboard |
87,616 | 9,116 | cloudq |
88,344 | 8,989 | sinatra-slack |
89,629 | 8,770 | axon-http |
93,944 | 8,163 | nagios-dashboard-sonian |
113,568 | 5,794 | pauldowman-sqs_accelerator |
122,068 | 4,944 | rack-async2sync |
122,674 | 4,891 | nagios_rails_server |
123,665 | 4,806 | push |
125,378 | 4,686 | endless |
126,314 | 4,630 | powcloud-insurance |
170,155 | 2,194 | softcover-nonstop |
Depends on
Rank | Downloads | Name |
9 | 1,027,963,481 | rack |
19 | 947,372,053 | minitest |
37 | 621,143,984 | rack-test |
124 | 293,756,476 | sinatra |
137 | 270,002,668 | eventmachine |
205 | 185,378,511 | rdoc |
2,141 | 8,682,562 | hoe |
11,491 | 192,819 | hoe-git |
14,304 | 127,745 | hoe-seattlerb |
26,048 | 49,494 | hoe-doofus |
27,553 | 45,739 | hoe-gemspec2 |
# | Gravatar | Handle |
1 | raggi |