Bmizerany's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1124192sinatraSinatra is a DSL for quickly creating web applications in Ruby with minimal effort.
22,0692,158sinatra-activerecordExtends Sinatra with ActiveRecord helpers.
32,0917,601beefcakeA pure-Ruby Protocol Buffers library
417,94961,367fraggleAn EventMachine Client for Doozer
521,39861,367swirlA version agnostic EC2 ruby driver
639,71933,893sinatra-redisExtends Sinatra with redis helpers for instant redis use
749,27261,367gunsGuns - It's got two pipes; got tickets to the show?
860,00625,716onisLive ObjectSpace introspection (With Rack endpoint)
979,92641,086fraggle-blockA synchronous Ruby client for Doozer.
1087,09761,367fidoFido - he fetches
1190,74461,367em-swirlAn evented, version agnostic EC2 ruby driver
1292,56261,367rechoecho(1) in ruby
13100,24261,367sinatra-captchaSimple, easy captcha for Sinatra
14111,96661,367bmizerany-sinatra-mongo= sinatra-mongo Extends Sinatra with an extension method for dealing with monogodb usi...
15119,66561,367inotify-ffiffi interface for inotify
16121,27361,367fraggelAn evented doozer client
17121,66161,367inotify-ffi-devffi interface for inotify
18123,03061,367livelydocsEscape the hell of `rake rdoc` .. edit .. `rake rdoc` .. edit
19125,68461,367sinatra-anygranular before filters for sinatra