Mkristian's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,5421,969jruby-opensslJRuby-OpenSSL is an add-on gem for JRuby that emulates the Ruby OpenSSL native library.
22,2732,090jar-dependenciesmanage jar dependencies for gems and keep track which jar was already loaded using mave...
33,4132,340ruby-mavenmaven support for ruby DSL pom files. MRI needs java/javac installed.
43,4452,241ruby-maven-libsmaven distribution as gem - no ruby executables !
57,2007,978maven-toolsadds versions conversion from rubygems to maven and vice versa, ruby DSL for POM (Proje...
68,1438,182jbundlermanaging jar dependencies with or without bundler. adding bundler like handling of vers...
717,69122,467dm-ldap-adapterldap adapter for datamapper which uses either net-ldap or ruby-ldap
825,00918,388ixtlanthis is set of rails and datamapper plugins for setting up a little more advanced rails...
925,29559,086ixtlan-corecache header control, dynamic configuration, and optimistic find on model via updated_a...
1025,94314,267resty-generatorsrails3 generators which use restygwt to communicate from GWT with rails. adds menu to s...
1127,29228,543ixtlan-guardsimple authorization framework for rails controllers
1228,35359,086cuba-apiadd content negogiation, serialization of objects (their attributes map), and some help...
1329,90228,543slf4rSlf4r provides a uniform interface for instantiating und using of a logger
1430,45635,677ixtlan-auditaudit the controller actions for the current user. log that data into the database and ...
1531,30359,086ixtlan-babelfilter for hashes and serialization of POROs into a hash representation. both the filte...
1631,61428,543fast-rsa-enginethis gem replaces the RSA signature and RSA ciphers from jruby-openssl by a faster impl...
1734,72135,677ixtlan-error-handlerdump errors on filesystem and notify developers, map different errors to specific pages
1836,80659,086datamapper4railscollection of datamapper related extensions. mostly needed to run within rails. the res...
1938,11759,086ixtlan-remotehelper sync data between miniapps or communicate wth realtime rest-services
2040,86528,543leafy-rackrack middleware to expose leafy metrics/health data as well a ping rack and a thread-du...
2140,86928,543leafy-healthprovides an API to register healthchecks which uses dropwizrd-metrics-healthchecks
2240,95328,543leafy-completethis gem has no code only dependencies to all the other leafy gems. it is meant as conv...
2341,81159,086rack-datamapperthis collection of plugins helps to add datamapper functionality to Rack. there is a Id...
2442,51524,889leafy-metricsprovides an API to register metrics like meters, timers, gauge, counter using dropwizar...
2543,07759,086ixtlan-generatorsrails generator templates for ixtlan gems
2647,51435,677leafy-loggeradding logback to leafy with yaml configuration and bridges to log4j and jul
2751,49428,543ixtlan-optimisticoptimistic find/get on model via updated_at timestamp for datamapper and activerecord
2852,61235,677ixtlan-user-managementhelper for managing users with login/password via local db or remote rest-services
2952,85035,677ixtlan-session-timeoutidle session timeout for rails on a per controller base
3053,12459,086ixtlan-configurationconfiguration for other ixtlan-xyz wth serializer, input-filter and cuba definition
3158,66559,086enforce-sslenforce the use of SSL for all controller actions, skip the enforcement with skip_befor...
3271,51959,086dm-lucene-adapterdatamapper adapter for search index lucene from apache
3379,71935,677ixtlan-gettexthelper to use fast_gettext with datamapper/ixtlan
3482,43659,086vellambabel offers a filter for hashes and with that comes json/yaml/xml de/serialization of ...
3583,99935,677leafyPort of Dropwizards metrics-core to pure ruby
3684,46159,086datamapper4railcollection of datamapper related extensions. mostly needed to run within rails. the res...
3794,02659,086jetty-runinstalls and run jetty from within a rack/rails directory with ssl and none ssl port
3895,69059,086jruby-openssl-mavenJRuby-OpenSSL is an add-on gem for JRuby that emulates the Ruby OpenSSL native library.
39108,69159,086dry-dependency-injectionadd dependency injection to dry-container
40112,12259,086unlimited-strength-cryptoDisable the crypto restriction programmatically - for more info see http://wiki.jruby.o...
41112,47859,086SexpProcessorhas just one dependency which points to the actual gem. this gem gets refered by ParseT...
42119,76559,086dm-hibernate-migrationsDataMapper plugin for writing and speccing migrations
43129,77135,677rubyjamsjar dependency support for rubygems
44131,80959,086gwt-runstart gwt-shell with rack or rails backend
45132,53759,086nokogiri-mavenclone with maven jar dependencies: Nokogiri (鋸) is an HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parser...
46144,39559,086ixtlan-datamappercollection of utilities for datamapper: optimistic get, conditional get, use-utc timest...
47157,47259,086mavenmaven support for rubygems based on maven 3.0-alpha-6. it allows to use xyz.gemspec fil...