Rossmeissl's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,7173,628indefinite_articleAdds indefinite article methods to String and Symbol
25,1157,937verbsConjugates most common english verbs for all persons, tenses, standard aspects, and mod...
37,4046,411earthAn earth-simulation environment with ActiveRecord models and data
47,9337,108brighter_planet_layoutLayouts, partials, stylesheets, and images
58,76939,550sniffProvides development and test environment for Brighter Planet's impact model libraries.
611,1329,025emitterA framework for modelling the impact of real-world entities.
712,09610,122carbonBrighter Planet API client for Ruby
813,59745,714hangarExposes routes (in the test environment only!) that allow your frontend to factory obje...
913,66710,877flightA software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of a flight
1016,01478,154leapLeap to conclusions
1116,53378,154purchaseA software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of a purchase
1216,93213,849characterizableCharacterize the relationship between "attributes" (getters/setters) of instances of a ...
1317,06314,568automobileA software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of an automobile
1419,36114,938dietA software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of a diet
1519,85115,981bus_tripA software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of a bus trip
1621,11178,154residenceA software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of an residence
1722,77257,499rail_tripA software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of an rail_trip
1823,36678,154petA software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of an pet
1924,23978,154summary_judgementConstructs adaptive summaries of object hierarchies based on ActiveRecord associations ...
2024,34678,154timeframeA Ruby class for describing and interacting with timeframes.
2124,60819,707automobile_tripA software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of an automobile trip
2224,89117,983fuel_purchaseA software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of a fuel purchase
2325,13578,154motorcycleA software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of an motorcycle
2429,34720,644charismaDefine strategies for accessing and displaying a subset of your classes' attributes
2532,08678,154meetingA software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of a meeting
2632,19157,499lodgingA software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of a lodging
2732,70525,504bombshellGive your application or gem an interactive shell, complete with custom prompts, tab co...
2833,57423,367computationA software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of a computer's computations
2933,93078,154shipmentA software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of a shipment
3035,50878,154graficoRails (2.x - 3.x) view helpers for graphs using Grafico, a javascript graphic library b...
3188,75678,154hughA slider for picking a color hue built with Scriptaculous and Prototype
3295,28078,154to_json_fixUntil ActiveSupport gets its act together, fix to_json ArgumentError (2 for 1), StackLe...
33117,00757,499consignmentA software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of a consignment