1 | 2,717 | 3,628 | indefinite_article | Adds indefinite article methods to String and Symbol |
2 | 5,115 | 7,937 | verbs | Conjugates most common english verbs for all persons, tenses, standard aspects, and mod... |
3 | 7,404 | 6,411 | earth | An earth-simulation environment with ActiveRecord models and data |
4 | 7,933 | 7,108 | brighter_planet_layout | Layouts, partials, stylesheets, and images |
5 | 8,769 | 39,550 | sniff | Provides development and test environment for Brighter Planet's impact model libraries. |
6 | 11,132 | 9,025 | emitter | A framework for modelling the impact of real-world entities. |
7 | 12,096 | 10,122 | carbon | Brighter Planet API client for Ruby |
8 | 13,597 | 45,714 | hangar | Exposes routes (in the test environment only!) that allow your frontend to factory obje... |
9 | 13,667 | 10,877 | flight | A software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of a flight |
10 | 16,014 | 78,154 | leap | Leap to conclusions |
11 | 16,533 | 78,154 | purchase | A software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of a purchase |
12 | 16,932 | 13,849 | characterizable | Characterize the relationship between "attributes" (getters/setters) of instances of a ... |
13 | 17,063 | 14,568 | automobile | A software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of an automobile |
14 | 19,361 | 14,938 | diet | A software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of a diet |
15 | 19,851 | 15,981 | bus_trip | A software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of a bus trip |
16 | 21,111 | 78,154 | residence | A software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of an residence |
17 | 22,772 | 57,499 | rail_trip | A software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of an rail_trip |
18 | 23,366 | 78,154 | pet | A software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of an pet |
19 | 24,239 | 78,154 | summary_judgement | Constructs adaptive summaries of object hierarchies based on ActiveRecord associations ... |
20 | 24,346 | 78,154 | timeframe | A Ruby class for describing and interacting with timeframes. |
21 | 24,608 | 19,707 | automobile_trip | A software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of an automobile trip |
22 | 24,891 | 17,983 | fuel_purchase | A software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of a fuel purchase |
23 | 25,135 | 78,154 | motorcycle | A software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of an motorcycle |
24 | 29,347 | 20,644 | charisma | Define strategies for accessing and displaying a subset of your classes' attributes |
25 | 32,086 | 78,154 | meeting | A software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of a meeting |
26 | 32,191 | 57,499 | lodging | A software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of a lodging |
27 | 32,705 | 25,504 | bombshell | Give your application or gem an interactive shell, complete with custom prompts, tab co... |
28 | 33,574 | 23,367 | computation | A software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of a computer's computations |
29 | 33,930 | 78,154 | shipment | A software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of a shipment |
30 | 35,508 | 78,154 | grafico | Rails (2.x - 3.x) view helpers for graphs using Grafico, a javascript graphic library b... |
31 | 88,756 | 78,154 | hugh | A slider for picking a color hue built with Scriptaculous and Prototype |
32 | 95,280 | 78,154 | to_json_fix | Until ActiveSupport gets its act together, fix to_json ArgumentError (2 for 1), StackLe... |
33 | 117,007 | 57,499 | consignment | A software model in Ruby for the greenhouse gas emissions of a consignment |