Edouard's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,2494,954web_translate_itA Command Line Interface tool to push and pull language files to WebTranslateIt.com.
223,67464,962edouard-metric_fuCode metrics from Flog, Flay, RCov, Saikuro, Churn, Reek, Roodi and Rails' stats task a...
360,23564,962web_translate_it_serverSynchonization server for webtranslateit.com.
467,276106,998edouard-rchardetCharacter encoding auto-detection in Ruby. This library is a port of the auto-detection...
587,330106,998edouard-htmldiffHTML diffs of text
688,18940,219webtranslateit-paydayPayday is a library for rendering invoices to pdf.
789,53635,113webtranslateit-version_fuversion_fu helps version your ActiveRecord models. It is based on Rick Olson's acts_as_...
898,575106,998edouard-is_taggabletagging that doesn't want to be on steroids. it's skinny and happy to stay that way.
9116,720106,998edouard-clarityClarity - a log search tool By John Tajima & Tobi Lütke Clarity is a Splunk like web i...
10118,566106,998edouard-mini_magickMini replacement for RMagick, with support for GraphicsMagick
11124,731106,998edouard-ya2yamlYa2YAML is "yet another to_yaml". It emits YAML document with complete UTF8 support (st...
12125,217106,998edouard-version_fuversion_fu helps version your ActiveRecord models. It is based on Rick Olson's acts_as_...
13128,24864,962webtranslateit-safeWebTranslateIt-Safe is a simple tool to backup databases (MySQL and PostgreSQL) and fil...
14141,412106,998word_countWord Count
15180,458106,998webtranslateit-hpricota swift, liberal HTML parser with a fantastic library