Jmettraux's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1323785rufus-schedulerJob scheduler for Ruby (at, cron, in and every jobs). Not a replacement for crond.
22,9145,851rufus-luaruby-ffi based bridge from Ruby to Lua
33,3234,025rufus-lruLruHash class, a Hash with a max size, controlled by a LRU mechanism
49,38613,456rufus-treecheckertests strings of Ruby code for unauthorized patterns (exit, eval, ...)
59,57214,953rufus-dollar${xxx} substitutions
610,63214,267rufus-decisionCSV based Ruby decision tables
712,22917,570rufus-mnemoTurning (large) integers into japanese sounding words and vice versa
814,66912,268rufus-tokyoRuby-ffi based lib to access Tokyo Cabinet and Tyrant. The ffi-based structures are av...
916,45659,086ruoteruote is an open source Ruby workflow engine
1019,86959,086openwferuan open source ruby workflow and bpm engine
1124,83959,086openwferu-schedulerOpenWFEru scheduler for Ruby (at, cron and every)
1226,04315,369rufus-verbsGET, POST, PUT, DELETE, with something around. A HTTP client Ruby gem, with conditiona...
1346,57859,086openwferu-extrasOpenWFEru extras (sqs, csv, ...)
1447,89918,388rufus-sixjoa rack application
1574,89724,889rufus-rtmyet another RememberTheMilk wrapper
1692,22759,086openwferu-sqsAccessing Amazon SQS over its REST API
17114,57728,543rufus-evalan eval method, a bit safer
18123,72335,677openwferu-kotobaTurning (big) integers into japanese sounding words and vice versa
19125,27535,677rufus-googlesnippets of Ruby code for accessing Google stuff
20125,90235,677rogue_parserruby_parser (RP) is a ruby parser written in pure ruby (utilizing racc--which does by d...
21126,16935,677rufus-sqsA Ruby library for Amazon SQS (gem previously known as 'openwferu-sqs'
22126,21859,086ruote-extrasOpenWFEru extras (sqs, csv, ...)