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Ruby-ffi based lib to access Tokyo Cabinet and Tyrant.
The ffi-based structures are available via the Rufus::Tokyo namespace.
There is a Rufus::Edo namespace that interfaces with Hirabayashi-san's native Ruby interface, and whose API is equal to the Rufus::Tokyo one.
Finally rufus-tokyo includes ffi-based interfaces to Tokyo Dystopia (thanks to Jeremy Hinegardner).
Ranking: 14,669 of 184,487
Downloads: 122,142
Ranking: 12,268 of 184,472
Downloads: 25
Downloads Trends
Ranking Trends
Num of Versions Trends
Popular Versions (Major)
Popular Versions (Major.Minor)
Depended by
Rank | Downloads | Name |
21,541 | 65,140 | tyrantmanager |
25,082 | 52,335 | sinatra-authentication |
29,454 | 41,628 | tokyo_wrapper |
51,311 | 19,855 | activeobject |
62,572 | 15,210 | sethyates-content_manager |
63,162 | 15,015 | timekeeper |
68,590 | 13,340 | mitchellh-lightcloud |
71,950 | 12,409 | sinatra-authentication-oran |
107,735 | 6,384 | dim-tokyo-cache-store |
108,454 | 6,305 | ant-mapper |
120,376 | 5,113 | dm-tokyo-adapter |
128,154 | 4,535 | spectate |
128,912 | 4,490 | sinatra-authentication-dmeiz |
140,213 | 3,887 | jackowayed-tyrantmanager |
141,129 | 3,844 | paperclip-tt |
151,848 | 3,406 | sethyates-sethyates-content_manager |
# | Gravatar | Handle |
1 | jmettraux_ | |
2 | jmettraux | |
3 | tomaso_tosolini |