Adambeynon's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,0024,800opalOpal is a Ruby to JavaScript compiler. It is source-to-source, making it fast as a runt...
210,7258,830opal-railsRails bindings for opal JS engine
311,84110,030opal-jqueryOpal DOM library for jQuery (Use jQuery with Ruby code)
413,78313,218opal-activesupportThe port of the glorious ActiveSupport for Opal
513,7969,532opal-rspecOpal compatible RSpec library
616,30810,620opal-specOpal compatible spec library
732,65515,549opal-hamlRun Haml templates client-side with Opal.
971,68825,716opal-erbERB for Opal
1080,08629,456opal-raccOpal compatible racc runtime.
1192,04861,367bookable_cloudBookable Cloud editor
12100,20029,456opal-strscanOpal version of strscan.
13116,87861,367cherry_kitDesktop framework for use with vienna
14132,06861,367rbpA ruby package manager for managing local packages
15133,42041,086opal-jsonJSON implementation for opal
16134,23341,086opal-viennaClient side MVC framework for Opal
17136,02341,086ospecOpal compatible spec library
18139,82641,086opal-eventableEventable module for Opal