Automatthew's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
118,55567,808ambitionAmbition builds yer API calls from plain jane Ruby.
221,47467,808fateTool for running and interacting with a multi-process service
322,44967,808wavesOpen-source framework for building Ruby-based Web applications.
424,71338,090activemdbIntended for exploration and migration, not production. And it's *READ ONLY*, so don't ...
529,54767,808starterGenerally useful and reusable things
632,28445,971coin-opA pretty, simple to use interface for all of the cryptocurrency libraries you love to use.
735,59267,808autocodeUtility for auto-including, reloading, and generating classes and modules.
843,13123,968harpA mixin for creating simple application repls with Readline support
947,64167,808functorPattern-based dispatch for Ruby, inspired by Topher Cyll's multi.
1050,03167,808readisRead-only Redis Utilities
1152,94667,808patchboardRuby client for Patchboard APIs
1257,06845,971ambitious-activerecordAn ambitious adapter for ActiveRecord
1360,54667,808rakegenGeneration and updation of projects from templates. Rake-powered, for sustainable blah...
1474,26867,808ambitious-activeldapAn ambitious adapter for ActiveLDAP
1583,11467,808casuistryGenerates CSS using Ruby, like Markaby
1688,94967,808squeezeTools for working with nested data structures in Ruby
1791,01367,808moonstoneMoonstone Agile Search Framework
1893,54967,808consolizeA mixin for creating application consoles with Readline support
19119,70267,808findercolorFinderColor is a an extremely simple interface to the Finder label colors in Mac OS X. ...
20123,32967,808mutualAllows you to manage tasks using Redis as a message transport.
21148,75567,808pfmA few extensions of GitHub Flavored Markdown syntax