Loobmedia's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,31557,499merb-coreMerb. Pocket rocket web framework.
29,60378,154merb-assetsMerb plugin for supporting assets
39,71557,499merbThe Merb stack
410,18478,154merb_datamapperMerb plugin that provides support for datamapper
510,33778,154merb-hamlMerb plugin for HAML support
610,48278,154merb-helpersMerb plugin containing view helpers
710,70778,154merb-param-protectionMerb plugin that helps protecting sensible parameters
810,70957,499merb-slicesMerb plugin that supports reusable application 'slices'.
910,96578,154merb-mailerMerb plugin for mailer support
1011,61678,154merb-exceptionsMerb plugin that supports exception notification
1111,70378,154merb-cacheMerb plugin for supporting assets
1211,73378,154merb-action-argsMerb plugin that supports controller action arguments
1311,77678,154merb-genMerb plugin containing useful code generators
1413,80457,499merb-more(merb - merb-core) == merb-more. The Full Stack. Take what you need; leave what you do...
1516,34078,154merb_sequelMerb plugin that provides support for Sequel.
1619,48678,154merb_activerecordMerb plugin that provides ActiveRecord support for Merb
1725,37178,154merb_test_unitMerb plugin that provides Test::Unit support
1825,47720,644active_formActiveForm provides a DSL for defining complete XHTML forms with validation.
1928,98678,154merb_screw_unitMerb Slice that provides support for Screw.Unit testing
2033,52157,499merb_helpersHelper support for merb (similar to the Rails form helpers)
2133,71278,154minigemsLighweight drop-in replacement for rubygems.
2233,99678,154merb_param_protectionMerb plugin that provides params_accessible and params_protected class methods
2335,45678,154merb-builderMerb plugin that provides Builder support
2435,60178,154merb-partsMerb plugin that provides Part Controllers.
2541,64878,154merb_partsMerb plugin that provides Part Controllers.
2642,33078,154merb_laszloMerb plugin that provides support for Laszlo.
2746,26878,154merb_builderMerb plugin that provides Builder support
2847,14678,154merb-jqueryMerb plugin that provides jQuery support
2947,83178,154merb_jqueryMerb plugin that provides jQuery support
3063,63578,154textmateCommand-line textmate package manager
3166,42478,154merb-freezerMerb plugin that let's you freeze Merb
32120,14078,154merb_exceptionsAllows Merb to forward exceptions to emails or web hooks