Flipkromer's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,83310,996configliereYou've got a script. It's got some settings. Some settings are for this module, some ar...
27,07266,945wukongTreat your dataset like a: * stream of lines when it's efficient to process by l...
38,77947,366ironfanIronfan allows you to orchestrate not just systems, but clusters of machines. It includ...
49,30666,945gorillibGorillib: infochimps lightweight subset of ruby convenience methods
514,09566,945rubixRubix provides abstractions for connecting to Zabbix's API, an ORM for wrapping Zabbix ...
617,82266,945imwInfinite Monkey Wrench - A framework to make collecting and parsing data fun again.
718,75347,366graphiterbUses http://github.com/mrflip/configliere and http://graphite.wikidot.com
820,22647,366brohamBro! Broham always knows where his bros are, bro. Using broham, a newly-created cloud m...
929,56166,945godheadConfigure God monitored processes according to their concerns the servers (path and so ...
1032,26866,945cluster_chefcluster_chef allows you to orchestrate not just systems but clusters of machines. It in...
1132,46266,945cluster_chef-knifecluster_chef-knife allows you to orchestrate not just systems but clusters of machines....
1235,05666,945icssInfochimps Simple Schema library: an avro-compatible data description standard. ICSS co...
1342,54066,945edamameEdamame combines the Beanstalk priority queue with a Tokyo Tyrant database and God moni...
1446,53166,945monkeyshinesA simple scraper for directed scrapes of APIs, feed or structured HTML. Plays nicely wi...
1547,58147,366titiFacade adapting apis to activity streams spec
1654,01730,638swineherdSwineherd is for running scripts and workflows on filesystems.
1788,52266,945wuclanMassive-scale social network analysis. Nothing to f with.
18101,06039,257stanfordparser-infochimpsRuby wrapper of the Stanford Parser, a NLP parser built in Java.
19129,26166,945infochimps-guard-chefGuard::Chef allows to automatically & intelligently update roles, cookbooks, and databa...
20131,08747,366son_of_a_batchSmelt from a plentiferous gallimaufry of requests an agglomerated bale of responses. Wi...
21132,37266,945senor_armandoHelper middlewares for a Goliath (http://goliath.io/) app as used in Infochimps Planet ...