Nobu's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1108127ruby2_keywordsShim library for Module#ruby2_keywords
211835webrickWEBrick is an HTTP server toolkit that can be configured as an HTTPS server, a proxy se...
333565dateA subclass of Object includes Comparable module for handling dates.
4661126io-consoleadd console capabilities to IO instances.
5729439optparseOptionParser is a class for command-line option analysis.
6818125stringioPseudo `IO` class from/to `String`.
71,7681,895iconviconv wrapper library
81,8241,169fileutilsSeveral file utility methods for copying, moving, removing, etc.
92,1071,357zlibRuby interface for the zlib compression/decompression library
102,6251,949io-waitWaits until IO is readable or writable without blocking.
112,7461,739fiddleA libffi wrapper for Ruby.
129,5593,336io-nonblockEnables non-blocking mode with IO class
1311,64114,011mathnDeprecated library that extends math operations.
1412,5872,893win32oleProvides an interface for OLE Automation in Ruby
1519,85810,057tkTk interface module using tcltklib.
1669,66119,606option_parserA wrapper of 'optparse.rb'.
17113,83628,870rbconfig-updateUpdate/add new info to `RbConfig::CONFIG`.
18137,85928,870rabbit-slide-nobu-rubykaigi-2017Keynote at RubyKaigi 2017.
19138,57254,620hash-to_procHash#to_proc which has been added to Ruby 2.3 for older Ruby.
20140,24854,620stderr-pPrint instect results to STDERR.
21142,33554,620function-compositeSyntax sugar for function composite
22173,24136,248option-parserA wrapper of 'optparse.rb'.
23182,56254,620io-pipeAn extension to the backtick method to allow additional optionsto be passed to the comm...
24183,34654,620net-http-sspiimplements bindings to Win32 SSPI functions, focused on authentication to a proxy serve...