Sorah's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,6857,588roadworkerRoadworker is a tool to manage Route53. It defines the state of Route53 using DSL, and ...
26,75713,059revision_plateRack middleware and application to show deployed application's revision (commit)
311,6414,596msgpack-rpcMessagePack-RPC, asynchronous RPC library using MessagePack
414,4126,290grpc_kitA kit for creating gRPC server/client
514,43330,535miamMiam is a tool to manage IAM. It defines the state of IAM using DSL, and updates IAM ac...
616,28043,406mamiyaDeploy tool using tarballs and serf for lot of servers
717,55214,239acmesmithAcmesmith is an [ACME (Automatic Certificate Management Environment)](
817,78210,246ruboty-slack_rtmSlack real time messaging adapter for Ruboty
918,31524,362itamae-secretsEncrypted Data Bag for itamae
1019,38315,446rrrspec-clientExecute RSpec in a distributed manner
1120,94343,406griffingRPC server and client for Ruby
1223,30366,923etcenvDump etcd keys into dotenv file or docker env file
1325,81966,923niconicowrapper of Mechanize, optimized for nicovideo. :)
1427,10866,923aws4_signerSimple signer module implements AWS4 signature
1529,13766,923villeinUse serf ( from Ruby.
1629,80766,923griffin-interceptorsA collection of interceptors for griffin
1731,13966,923etcd-etcvaultetcd-ruby extension for etcvault
1832,38526,806daysSimple blog system built up with Sinatra.
1932,60815,446rrrspec-serverExecute RSpec in a distributed manner
2032,79115,014rrrspec-webExecute RSpec in a distributed manner
2136,42966,923tclogParser for etconsole.log of TrueCombat:Elite (TC:E)
2236,47615,014rrrspecExecute RSpec in a distributed manner
2345,48266,923focuslightLightning Fast Graphing/Visualization, built on RRDTool
2445,87443,406hochoServer provisioning tool with itamae
2546,42366,923akaneLog the timeline
2652,94424,362pendaxesThrow axes to pending makers!
2769,43366,923spec_markerMark the timestamp of RSpec example starts/ends, and log other stuff for profiling
2874,49166,923akane-imkayacstorage plugin for akane | sends matched tweets to im.kayac
2974,82366,923clarionWeb-based WebAuthn (U2F) Helper for CLI operations (SSH login...)
3076,04666,923trw'Have a nice day!' in some languages
3187,10266,923graphed_fuzzy_searchfilter items like Slack switcher, Atom command palette
3289,34766,923codilyCodificate Fastly configuration
3390,05126,806s3_proxyS3 reverse proxy rack app that accepts multiple buckets.
3490,56166,923nginx_omniauth_adapteromniauth adapter for ngx_http_auth_request_module
3591,31635,214anti_offensive_stringRespond error for requests include some offensive string, that may crash browsers
3694,93166,923tinatraRuby implemented DSL, designed for twitter bot.
3797,80066,923nicoloidnicoloid downloads video from, and convert videos to mp3 using ffmpeg.
38102,38966,923binpkgbotYour robot to build Gentoo binpkgs in clean environment, continously
39109,51766,923hocho-ec2Hocho gem plugin to discover hosts in EC2
40115,54835,214ruboty-imascgLet ruboty find imas_cg cards using Thanks @sekaiasia for providing th...
41116,50830,535ruboty-fopJapan Airlines FOP/Mileage calculation via Ruboty
42117,08335,214ruboty-monday_is_comingruboty monday is coming
43118,62466,923easy-docWrite a document easily. Write a document, run command to rendering.
44122,22166,923fopscraping client of Japan Airlines FOP/Mileage calculator
45124,73766,923mobicoderconvert codes to mobi file for reading codes on kindle
47126,63266,923haruharuabout streaming receiver. streaming server is not included.
48129,92866,923akane-bigqueryGoogle Bigquery storage adapter for akane.gem
49132,91366,923fluent-plugin-tag-ignorePlugin for fluentd, this allows you to specify ignore patterns for match.
50134,33666,923wlc_snmpWrapper of snmp.gem for easy interacting with Cisco WLC
51135,70566,923eorzea_timeA clock in Eorzea
52136,31466,923corpshort"go/" like private link shortener for internal purpose
53137,17666,923eorzea_weatherEorzean Weather Forecast
54137,86766,923fluent-plugin-nfct-parserFluentd parser plugin for libnetfilter_conntrack snprintf format
55138,26366,923katakuchikatakuchi is...
56140,17135,214ruboty-fastlyRuboty plugin for Fastly chat-ops
57141,57543,406snmp2mkrCollect SNMP values then send to
58148,20966,923str_dn_2030Control STR-DN-2030 via TCP.
59149,73266,923etcwebWeb UI for etcd
60151,50843,406ruboty-ircRuboty IRC adapter
61156,07066,923apigatewayv2_rackhandle AWS Lambda API Gateway V2 or ALB (ELBv2) lambda request event with Rack application
62165,71766,923force_unspecifiedRack app redirects to a SAML IdP URL with changing NameIdPolicy in SAMLRequest to unspe...
63166,69066,923wifidiagQuick Wi-Fi diagnostic page for users, to support network ops
64168,25066,923hako-github_statusHako Script to update app image tag with GitHub commit status
65168,58366,923hako-codebuildHako script to retrieve a latest commit from AWS CodeBuild as a image tag
66170,27066,923himekoAWS IAM access key self service & management console federated login
67171,37966,923itamae-plugin-resource-portageItamae resources for Gentoo Portage
68171,97766,923himariSmall OIDC IdP for small teams - Omniauth to OIDC
69172,35166,923hocho-jwtPass JWT to servers using hocho
70175,02466,923mayuRack app to locate employees in an office by Wi-Fi MAC address and WLC association data
71175,79466,923omniauth-himariOmniAuth strategy to act as OIDC RP and use [Himari]( f...
72177,93766,923himari-awsAWS related plugins for Himari
73181,33766,923kozekiConvert markdown files to rendered JSON files with index for static website blogging
74181,35666,923kozeki-awsAWS plugins for Kozeki