Zzak's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
187111rack-protectionProtect against typical web attacks, works with all Rack apps, including Rails
2122239sinatraSinatra is a DSL for quickly creating web applications in Ruby with minimal effort.
3175183mustermannA library implementing patterns that behave like regular expressions.
4184209kaminariKaminari is a Scope & Engine based, clean, powerful, agnostic, customizable and sophist...
5210176rdocRDoc produces HTML and command-line documentation for Ruby projects. RDoc includes the ...
632833bigdecimalThis library provides arbitrary-precision decimal floating-point number class.
75251,728sdocrdoc generator html with javascript search index.
8841394opensslOpenSSL for Ruby provides access to SSL/TLS and general-purpose cryptography based on t...
91,1981,397sinatra-contribCollection of useful Sinatra extensions
102,0391,880acts_as_paranoidCheck the home page for more in-depth information.
112,6872,245minitest-ciMinitest Junit XML results that CircleCI can read.
124,2004,049mustermann-contribAdds many plugins to Mustermann
1310,35633,946rdoc-dataCore ri data for use with RDoc 2.5 or newer. This gem is required to use ri from RDoc ...
1426,89074,510glorifyRenders markdown via rdoc-rouge, an RDoc and Rouge bridge. Able to use fenced code bloc...
1585,59974,510tilt-rdoc-markdownTilt template to render Markdown using RDoc
1687,70074,510rdoc-rougeSyntax highlighting for RDoc using the pygments friendly Rouge.
17128,80247,329mustermann-everythingMeta gem depending on all official Mustermann gems
18137,79647,329mustermann-railsAdds Rails style patterns to Mustermman
19138,80347,329mustermann-flaskAdds Flask style patterns to Mustermman
20147,07447,329mustermann-simpleAdds Sinatra 1.x style patterns to Mustermman
21147,93547,329mustermann-shellAdds Shell style patterns to Mustermman
22148,04647,329mustermann-uri-templateAdds URI template style patterns to Mustermman
23148,04647,329mustermann-visualizerProvides syntax highlighting and other visualizations for Mustermman
24149,03247,329mustermann-cakeAdds CakePHP style patterns to Mustermman
25149,14147,329mustermann-strscanImplements a version of Ruby's StringScanner that works with Mustermann patterns
26149,38638,694mustermann-fileutilsOperate efficiently on your file system using Mustermann
27149,44147,329mustermann-pyramidAdds Pyramid style patterns to Mustermman
28150,66147,329mustermann-expressAdds express.js style patterns to Mustermman
29150,87747,329nhk-easy-rubyRead the news with this Ruby interface for NHK's public API.