Joshcheek's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18,2709,212dejectProvides a super simple API for dependency injection
211,81319,101seeing_is_believingRecords the results of every line of code in your file (intended to be like xmpfilter),...
312,2238,230surrogateFramework to aid in handrolling mock/spy objects.
413,47423,402thread_orderTest helper for ordering threaded code (does not depend on gems or stdlib, tested on 1....
528,93541,086bindable_blockinstance_exec can't pass block arguments through. Use a bindable block instead (there i...
636,78116,657mrspecAllows you to run Minitest tests and specs with RSpec's runner, thus you can write both...
740,42161,367haitiExtraction of cucumber helpers for running binaries that I wind up writing ad-hoc for m...
843,07061,367what_weve_got_here_is_an_error_to_communicateHooks into program lifecycle to display error messages to you in a helpufl way, with in...
945,49261,367refinerycms-ballotsRuby on Rails Ballots engine for Refinery CMS
1046,59325,716eval_inSafely evaluates code (Ruby and others) by sending it through == Langu...
1149,62461,367arsettingsActiveRecord has a lot of support for tables of similar values. But what about those on...
1262,58723,402mountain_berry_fields-rspecWhen testing embedded code examples with MountainBerryFields, you may wish to use RSpec...
1366,83641,086refinerycms-simple_membersRuby on Rails Members engine for Refinery CMS
1466,90525,716mountain_berry_fieldsTest code samples embedded in files like readmes
1574,37625,716mountain_berry_fields-magic_commentsTest code samples embedded in files like readmes
1682,05961,367letter_press_is_not_as_good_as_boggleFind all known words for a letterpress board (iPhone 5 game that is like boggle, but wo...
1785,10661,367bundler-bouncerShould your app run in the Bundler sandbox? Well then make sure it is, let bundler-boun...
1889,35761,367dummy_gemDoes nothing. Useful for testing.
1993,91461,367sinatra-fix_951Sinatra version 1.4.5 only: Fix bug #951 (Note that this is fixed on newer versions)
2094,28561,367gitloc-joshcheekExample project for the Turing School of Software and Design, see
2197,21733,893pbcopyReplicates OSX commandline utility where piping into pbcopy places things into the clip...
22100,50461,367lineCommand line tool to filter lines of input based on index.
23107,13661,367hyliteProvides a simple binary interface and Ruby interface to highlight your code using what...
24123,59561,367command_line_launcherA program to launch apps from the command-line
25126,01861,367fuckerySandbox for throwaway code.
26131,38861,367tttTTT is a Tic Tac Toe lib, as well as a CLI and GUI to play it.
27147,67061,367DATA.saveStore shit in your script's DATA segment
29153,39361,367rinbin/lib that overrides inspect on integers to print numbers in a desired base
30154,67661,367port_authority Yes, I am squatting. If I have...