1 | 3,120 | 4,424 | normalize-rails | Normalize.css is an alternative to CSS resets |
2 | 38,814 | 86,038 | foundation-will_paginate | foundation-will_paginate provides a renderer and a view helper to let foundation and wi... |
3 | 43,494 | 53,556 | mm-blog | A simple wee blog platform |
4 | 77,970 | 86,038 | api_backend | A small gem for making simple API backends |
5 | 83,468 | 86,038 | arvo-font-rails | Arvo font by Anton Koovit for rails asset pipeline |
6 | 99,690 | 86,038 | methadone-rails | Generate bin commands for your rails app using Methadone |
7 | 104,410 | 86,038 | mosaic-rails | "Sliding boxes & captions for rails with Mosaic" |
8 | 116,610 | 86,038 | asap-font-rails | An example of integration fonts with rails asset pipleline |
9 | 125,910 | 86,038 | elastic-textarea | makes textarea's grow and shrink to fit contents |
10 | 131,288 | 53,556 | journal-font-rails | Journal font from fontsquirrel for Rails. |
11 | 137,068 | 86,038 | mm-git-extend | Some (hopefully) userful git extensions |