1 | 87 | 111 | rack-protection | Protect against typical web attacks, works with all Rack apps, including Rails |
2 | 122 | 239 | sinatra | Sinatra is a DSL for quickly creating web applications in Ruby with minimal effort. |
3 | 175 | 183 | mustermann | A library implementing patterns that behave like regular expressions. |
4 | 664 | 506 | grape | A Ruby framework for rapid API development with great conventions. |
5 | 757 | 507 | mustermann-grape | Adds Grape style patterns to Mustermman |
6 | 1,198 | 1,397 | sinatra-contrib | Collection of useful Sinatra extensions |
7 | 2,447 | 3,304 | padrino-helpers | Tag helpers, asset helpers, form helpers, form builders and many more helpers for padrino |
8 | 2,578 | 3,293 | padrino-support | A number of support methods and extensions for Padrino framework |
9 | 4,006 | 5,233 | padrino-core | The Padrino core gem required for use of this framework |
10 | 4,200 | 4,049 | mustermann-contrib | Adds many plugins to Mustermann |
11 | 4,431 | 5,744 | padrino-mailer | Mailer system for padrino allowing easy delivery of application emails |
12 | 4,438 | 5,704 | padrino-gen | Generators for easily creating and building padrino applications from the console |
13 | 4,463 | 5,757 | padrino-admin | Admin View for Padrino applications |
14 | 4,517 | 5,810 | padrino | The Godfather of Sinatra provides a full-stack agnostic framework on top of Sinatra |
15 | 4,726 | 5,939 | padrino-cache | Caching support for memcached, page and fragment |
16 | 4,932 | 16,482 | mustermann19 | library implementing patterns that behave like regular expressions for use in Ruby 1.9 |
17 | 18,801 | 30,170 | rspec-padrino | rspec-padrino is a gem including helpers for testing a Padrino app using RSpec. Taking ... |
18 | 31,010 | 74,510 | itamae-plugin-resource-iptables | itamae resource plugin to manage iptables. |
19 | 31,856 | 74,510 | data-converter | Convert hash and array into HTML Element. |
20 | 32,480 | 74,510 | itamae-plugin-recipe-openssh | itamae recipe plugin for openssh. |
21 | 40,731 | 47,329 | hjson | Human JSON (Hjson) implementation for Ruby |
22 | 48,178 | 47,329 | botch | Botch is a DSL for quickly creating web crawlers. Inspired by Sinatra. |
23 | 49,078 | 21,937 | pendragon | Provides an HTTP router for use in Rack and Padrino. |
24 | 56,347 | 74,510 | dinamo | DynamoDB ORM for Ruby |
25 | 61,830 | 30,170 | mandrake | Mandrake loads middlewares conditionally, and it provides two options and DSL for setti... |
26 | 67,635 | 74,510 | unicorn-padrino | Adds unicorn as an adapter to your padrino start command. |
27 | 69,372 | 74,510 | Ruby4Misawa | A scraping library for Jigoku no Misawa |
28 | 71,317 | 74,510 | howl-router | A http router for Rack and Padrino. |
29 | 74,825 | 74,510 | activesupport-cache-redis_multiplexer | RedisMultiplexer enables to handle redis-servers both primary and read-replica, in your... |
30 | 87,909 | 47,329 | hensel | Hensel makes it easy to build the breadcrumbs. |
31 | 88,341 | 74,510 | reli | Generic interface for Esoteric Language Implementations which is written in Ruby. |
32 | 93,328 | 14,905 | gammo | Gammo is an implementation of the HTML5 parsing algorithm which conforms the WHATWG spe... |
33 | 106,318 | 30,170 | r2ree | r2ree is a ruby bindings to the r2ree linkable C++ radix tree library. |
34 | 108,775 | 74,510 | react-sinatra | React on Sinatra Integration |
35 | 124,175 | 47,329 | airship | Airship is the Sinatra/Padrino extension. |
36 | 126,997 | 38,694 | modulla | Enables DSL on your module |
37 | 129,697 | 74,510 | sinatra-named_route | Supports named routes and makes it easy to access to URI path. |
38 | 140,823 | 47,329 | ogg | Ogg is an Open Graph Generator. |
39 | 143,216 | 74,510 | jsh | Interactive shell for JavaScript which is written in Ruby. |
40 | 148,202 | 74,510 | rack-refresh | Rack Middleware for adding Refresh field to response headers |
41 | 148,764 | 74,510 | rspec-image | Provides some matchers for testing your image file. |
42 | 152,710 | 74,510 | sinatra-bind | Binds instance method on routes |
43 | 154,200 | 74,510 | itamae-plugin-recipe-nm_chruby | itamae plugin for the chruby utility |
44 | 171,475 | 47,329 | namusyaka | testing, testing, testing |