Kytrinyx's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1124223sinatraSinatra is a DSL for quickly creating web applications in Ruby with minimal effort.
2126161octokitSimple wrapper for the GitHub API
36,28927,575tracklerAll of the data necessary to construct exercises in any of the Exercism tracks. This in...
49,2806,697octopollerA micro gem for polling and retrying, perfect for making repeating requests
59,86736,831pebblebedDevelopment tools for working with Pebblebed
611,37016,423etsyA friendly Ruby interface to the Etsy API
717,21274,484exercismClient gem for the app
822,50474,484pebbles-uidHandle pebble UIDs conveniently.
930,40374,484petroglyphA simple, terse, and unsurprising ruby dsl to create json views.
1034,62274,484ts_vector_tagsExtremely simple, if somewhat exotic, mixin that uses the tsvector feature in postgresq...
1143,26325,862no_phoneStandardizes norwegian phone numbers, and leaves international numbers unchanged.
1247,16274,484calorieA simple ruby calendar display mechanism.
1356,53436,831langulatorManage, maintain, and munge your i18n files.
1457,49174,484rspec-approvalsAn RSpec extension that adds support for approvals. Based on the idea of the Golden Mas...
1562,75436,831approval_testsApproval testing library for ruby
1665,98832,803norwegian_holidaysA Norwegian holiday calendar. Answers the age-old question: "When is mothersday this ye...
1769,41874,484timetressAnswers the age-old question 'When is mothersday this year?'
1869,94474,484chronomizeCreates labels for a window of dates, with knowledge about it's relationship to the cur...
1971,82274,484pebbles-pathProvide pebble-compliant paths for ActiveRecord models.
2074,55474,484pebble_pathProvide pebble-compliant paths for ActiveRecord models.
2197,57774,484slugorizeSmall string extension which normalizes strings making them suitable for usage as a slu...
22101,74142,524origami-importerSuperglue for origami imports
23110,89174,484bot_detectorChecks user-agents against a list of known bots.
24122,46651,783kadryllScore generator for drum independence drills.
25129,60951,783minitest-homeworkModifies minitest's basic test suite to provide helper methods for teaching.