1 | 124 | 223 | sinatra | Sinatra is a DSL for quickly creating web applications in Ruby with minimal effort. |
2 | 126 | 161 | octokit | Simple wrapper for the GitHub API |
3 | 6,289 | 27,575 | trackler | All of the data necessary to construct exercises in any of the Exercism tracks. This in... |
4 | 9,280 | 6,697 | octopoller | A micro gem for polling and retrying, perfect for making repeating requests |
5 | 9,867 | 36,831 | pebblebed | Development tools for working with Pebblebed |
6 | 11,370 | 16,423 | etsy | A friendly Ruby interface to the Etsy API |
7 | 17,212 | 74,484 | exercism | Client gem for the exercism.io app |
8 | 22,504 | 74,484 | pebbles-uid | Handle pebble UIDs conveniently. |
9 | 30,403 | 74,484 | petroglyph | A simple, terse, and unsurprising ruby dsl to create json views. |
10 | 34,622 | 74,484 | ts_vector_tags | Extremely simple, if somewhat exotic, mixin that uses the tsvector feature in postgresq... |
11 | 43,263 | 25,862 | no_phone | Standardizes norwegian phone numbers, and leaves international numbers unchanged. |
12 | 47,162 | 74,484 | calorie | A simple ruby calendar display mechanism. |
13 | 56,534 | 36,831 | langulator | Manage, maintain, and munge your i18n files. |
14 | 57,491 | 74,484 | rspec-approvals | An RSpec extension that adds support for approvals. Based on the idea of the Golden Mas... |
15 | 62,754 | 36,831 | approval_tests | Approval testing library for ruby |
16 | 65,988 | 32,803 | norwegian_holidays | A Norwegian holiday calendar. Answers the age-old question: "When is mothersday this ye... |
17 | 69,418 | 74,484 | timetress | Answers the age-old question 'When is mothersday this year?' |
18 | 69,944 | 74,484 | chronomize | Creates labels for a window of dates, with knowledge about it's relationship to the cur... |
19 | 71,822 | 74,484 | pebbles-path | Provide pebble-compliant paths for ActiveRecord models. |
20 | 74,554 | 74,484 | pebble_path | Provide pebble-compliant paths for ActiveRecord models. |
21 | 97,577 | 74,484 | slugorize | Small string extension which normalizes strings making them suitable for usage as a slu... |
22 | 101,741 | 42,524 | origami-importer | Superglue for origami imports |
23 | 110,891 | 74,484 | bot_detector | Checks user-agents against a list of known bots. |
24 | 122,466 | 51,783 | kadryll | Score generator for drum independence drills. |
25 | 129,609 | 51,783 | minitest-homework | Modifies minitest's basic test suite to provide helper methods for teaching. |