Udzura's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,57517,333yaoYAO is a Yet Another OpenStack API Wrapper that rocks!!
213,35912,946rack-blockA rack middleware for controlling accesses by search bot or not, remote ip address, etc.
315,23041,086capistrano-bannercapistrano application banner
416,11061,367capistrano-stretchercapistrano task for stretcher.
516,90041,086capistrano_bannercapistrano application banner
617,36241,086flntGentle post-to-fluentd log solution
718,88241,086rspec-padrinorspec-padrino is a gem including helpers for testing a Padrino app using RSpec. Taking ...
820,54121,627takosanRuby wrapper of Takosan
924,96041,086kanameIdentity configuration tool for OpenStack. You can apply simple YAML definition into Ke...
1025,68041,086kakineSecurity Group configuration tool for OpenStack. You can apply simple YAML definition i...
1129,08919,101rack-post_body_msgpack_parserParse post data by MessagePack
1234,01061,367capistrano-consul_kv_lockIntroduces deployment lock using consul KVS.
1338,84361,367rbbccBCC port for MRI. See https://github.com/iovisor/bcc
1439,68914,600lolipop-mc-starter-railsLolipop! Managed Cloud Starter for Rails.
1551,85541,086haconiwaRuby on Container / helper tools with DSL for your handmade linux containers.
1657,04811,862querygazerRepeated Query Runner - for monitoring, operation and CI.
1768,80961,367yao-ojYao's http response parser using oj.
1869,29633,893exception_notification-ikachanExceptionNotification ikachan plugin
1972,84361,367populusConsul event definition DSL
2081,93941,086fluent-plugin-json_expanderRun the sub-matcher created from accepted json data
2182,18161,367ikachanRuby wrapper of Ikachan
2282,93861,367safe_rails_consolePoint database to *_readonly on --sandbox
2389,22561,367exception_notification-tdSend exception info to TreasureData
2498,38761,367rack-session-dbmA rack-based session store on sdbm/gdbm. you can use this gem in smaller projects.
25105,77761,367connSuper simple server connector
26108,14461,367rack-spyupSpying requests and responses with rack power
27108,25061,367fluent-plugin-script_appendA fluent plugin to add script-run result to existing json data
28108,59261,367fluent-plugin-yoA fluentd plugin to send Yo
29112,39329,456pikebubblesFIFO-to-container-stdout piper
30115,59533,893octochanA simple HTTPD for github PR comment.
31116,11161,367sshkit-fluent-loggersshkit extention, which sends log to fluentd server .
32122,02061,367capistrano-strategy-copy_subdirIntroduce Capistrano::Deploy::Strategy::CopySubdir
33127,97061,367tiny_progressbarthis is a gem description
34130,59533,893middleman-scrubScrub the created files by middleman
35131,58641,086pebbles-rack-hanoiRack::Hanoi helps you to solve Hanoi's Tower question using your browser. It can be use...
36135,95461,367bpfqleBPF query runner. Use Ruby DSL / yaml / or plane text
37137,92361,367thor-install-gistA thor sub-command to install thor tasks from gists
38141,39361,367dotenv-configurationA utility method for using dotenv as a configuration manager
39144,18061,367criuA libcriu wrapper for CRuby
40153,29061,367term2ircTerminal color to IRC color. Experimental.
41158,04061,367stackspecA testing framework for OpenStack resource orchestration
42158,72641,086osloOpenStack API Wrapper that rocks!!
43165,48561,367sinatra-sextantA fancy DSL for Sinatra routing
44166,91761,367rustonSample Rust-made gem to parse simple JSON...
45168,62161,367whoiamAWS IAM configuration DSL
46168,65761,367sinatra-pepperA gem for loading sinatra extensions by condition, like chanko or chili gem for sinatra
47169,26661,367quailNotification central server DSL.
48170,81841,086lita-scorekeeperLita port of https://github.com/yoshiori/hubot-scorekeeper
49171,02361,367flamboyantExperimental web server for Ruby, written as a Rust-made gem
50171,29161,367usdt_markerEvent marker using USDT. You can trace those user-defined events from eBPF.
51171,47361,367rack-ebpfeBPF integration with rack application.
52171,66261,367daimyo-piCalcurate PI
53171,82161,367sutraZendesk as Code
54173,48461,367dtrace_probe_simpleA PoC to include DTRACE_PROBE in Ruby.
55173,60961,367lingorbYet another duoling unofficial API binding
56173,61861,367warditeA pure-ruby webassembly runtime
57174,45161,367rack-mixed-contentsA Rack Middleware to help to fix mixed contents issues
58175,38241,086marfushaA containers orchestrator aiming to the space!