Ntl's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,18710,721evt-messagingCommon primitives for platform-specific messaging implementations for Eventide
310,8956,170evt-message_store-postgresMessage store implementation for PostgreSQL
411,00122,084evt-consumerContinuous subscription to a category and message dispatching to handlers
511,0646,514evt-schemaPrimitives for schema and data structure
611,08822,084evt-message_storeCommon primitives for platform-specific message store implementations
711,25230,305ntl-actorImplementation of actor pattern for Ruby
811,61812,967evt-entity_storeProject and cache entities from event streams, with optional on-disk snapshotting
911,76715,400evt-subst_attrDeclare attributes that have default implementations that are diagnostic substitutes or...
1011,91425,458evt-clockClock interface with support for UTC and local timezones, timezone coercion, and depend...
1111,99916,639evt-entity_cacheCache of entities retrieved by an entity-store, with in-memory temporary and on-disk pe...
1212,05030,305evt-logLogging to STD IO with levels, tagging, and coloring
1412,11418,158evt-dependencyDeclare dependency attributes that have default implementations that are diagnostic sub...
1512,17125,458evt-settingsSettings data access and assignment
1612,29325,458evt-attributeDefine an attribute on a class using an imperative API
1712,33722,084evt-set_attributesSet an object's attributes from a source object or hash
1812,33830,305evt-telemetryIn-process telemetry based on observers
1912,34425,458evt-reflectReflection of inner namespaces used for protocol discovery
2012,39618,158evt-initializerGenerates initializers and attributes
2112,54130,305evt-virtualVirtual method declaration
2212,55422,084evt-mimicCopy a class's instance interface to an anonymous, new object that acts as a substituta...
2312,61322,084evt-identifier-uuidUUID v4 identifier generator with support for generating and parsing UUIDs, and depende...
2412,6927,808evt-consumer-postgresPostgres implementation of continuous subscription to a category and message dispatchin...
2512,72130,305evt-transformCommon interface for object and format transformation, and transformer discovery
2612,80213,614evt-entity_snapshot-postgresProjected entity snapshotting for Postgres
2712,85730,305evt-casingConvert the case of strings, symbols, and hash keys, including camelCase, PascalCase, a...
2812,89125,458evt-configureGenerates class level configure methods
2912,94430,305evt-validateInterface and protocol for validating and validation discovery
3013,01030,305evt-async_invocationReturn value for async method that is accidentally invoked synchronously
3113,01430,305evt-entity_projectionProjects event data into an entity
3213,02022,084evt-invocationExtract information about a method's invocation including the method name, parameter na...
3313,04230,305terminal_colorsApply ANSI terminal colors to strings
3413,35330,305evt-messaging-postgresEventide messaging for Postgres
3513,38625,458eventide-postgresEvent-Sourced Autonomous Services Toolkit
3613,49930,305evt-component_hostHost components inside a single physical process
3713,87130,305evt-pollGeneralized implementation of polling with support for timeout and polling interval
3813,93230,305message-dbMicroservice native event store and message store for Postgres
3917,78141,916evt-message_store-postgres-databaseDatabase definition and tools for PostgreSQL message store
4018,99719,893evt-retryRetry an execution that terminates with an error, with optional backoff cycles
4126,80863,432evt-diagnostics-sampleSampling and measurement of execution cycles
4226,90863,432extended_loggerA logging library that provides more feature's than ruby's built in logger; namely per-...
4326,99163,432evt-messaging-fixturesTestBench fixtures for the Messaging library
4427,62363,432evt-event_source-postgresEvent source client for PostgreSQL
4528,22463,432evt-schema-fixturesTestBench fixtures for the Schema library
4628,64563,432evt-event_source-event_store-httpEvent source client for EventStore's HTTP interface
4731,01763,432invokrInvoke methods with a consistent Hash interface. Useful for metaprogramming.
4832,74519,893activeshepherdWrangle unweildy app/models directories by unobtrusively adding the aggregate pattern i...
4933,10216,639evt-command_line-component_generatorCommand line Eventide component generator
5036,07463,432evt-event_sourceCommon primitives for event source clients
5142,52330,305evt-entity_projection-fixturesTestBench fixtures for EntityProjection implementations
5243,62063,432mudrat_projectorMudrat Projector is a simple financial projection engine.
5344,20963,432evt-event_store-httpClient library for EventStore's HTTP interface
5444,58841,916evt-consumer-event_storeCategory and stream consumer for EventStore
5647,21363,432test_bench-sessionTest session for TestBench
5748,31763,432gfm_live_previewLive preview your github flavored markdown file (with syntax highlighting!).
5849,74563,432minitest-red_greenAdds red/green colors to standard minitest output
5950,18441,916test_bench-telemetryTelemetry subsystem for TestBench
6151,61641,916test_bench-randomRandom value controls for TestBench
6252,26516,639evt-view_data-pgCreate and populate PostgreSQL view databases from event streams
6352,94963,432splotRun any test from any file from any project. When using Test::Unit, specify an individu...
6452,98863,432truckTruck is an alternative autoloader that doesn't pollute the global namespace.
6554,67463,432abnf-parserabnf-parser allows you to compile ABNF (Augmented Backus-Naur Form) into rule lists tha...
6655,82230,305evt-template_methodTemplate method declaration
6757,55863,432test_bench-bootstrapA minimal test framework for testing TestBench
6859,42963,432ntl-orchestraOrchestra is an orchestration framework for designing complex operations in an object o...
6959,59363,432ntl-error_dataRepresentation of an error as a data structure
7064,27041,916ftestFork based runner for tests written as simple ruby scripts
7165,63863,432extended-loggerextended-logger provides a richer logger implementation than the built in ruby logger, ...
7270,48663,432evt-view_data-commandsMessage schemas for data-oriented command streams used to populate view databases
7373,68063,432logger-loggingLogging module that adds colored logging to any class and puts the class name in the lo...
7477,83463,432aggregate_streamsCombine messages from multiple Eventide streams into an aggregate stream
7582,27663,432evt-entity_snapshot-event_storeProjected entity snapshotting for EventStore
7682,80841,916object_mommaobject_momma is an Object Mother implementation in ruby
7788,69963,432evt-messaging-event_storeEventStore messaging for Eventid
7888,72830,305evt-telemetry-loggerLogging to STDERR with coloring and levels of severity
7994,75163,432hashblockSometimes you'll want to allow the user to configure a plugin or some other object via ...
8098,29325,458rlab-assertAn alternative assert implementation designed for straightforward syntax and better deb...
81104,22263,432evt-cycleGeneralized retry
82105,43741,916evt-event_store-http-connectConnection library to EventStore's HTTP interface
83105,83463,432evt-message_store-event_storeMessage store client for EventStore
84111,05263,432evt-waitGeneralized implementation of execution-until-condition with support for timeout and po...
85111,24263,432picoA very light weight framework for ruby designed to handle a small number of details com...
86117,86963,432test-runnerFork based runner for tests written as simple ruby scripts
87119,47230,305test_bench-isolatedIsolated copy of TestBench for testing TestBench
88119,64663,432eventide-event_storeEvent-Sourced Autonomous Services Toolkit
89124,37663,432evt-dns-resolve_hostResolve host names to IP addresses
90126,19763,432evt-event_store-cluster-leader_statusCluster leader status support for EventStore
91142,53063,432pg-statsDatabase Statistics for Postgres
92155,37363,432test_runner-assertAdds a powerful and simple assert implementation to test-runner
93158,74563,432evt-process_hostRun multiple logical processes inside a single physical process
94161,84563,432ntl-process_hostRuby library for hosting components composed of independent actors
95167,98363,432eventide-railsEventide on Rails
96171,42963,432number_serializationNumber serialization for ruby
97173,09563,432ntl-raygun_clientClient for the Raygun API
98174,49730,305read_model-projectionRead model projection
99178,82863,432test_bench-detect_coverageCapture method invocations caused by TestBench tests